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词汇 囚犯们
例句 The prisoners laid an escape plan.囚犯们谋划越狱。The prisoners complained about rough treatment by the guards.囚犯们抱怨受到看守的粗暴对待。The prisoners made a dash for freedom.囚犯们拔腿飞奔,想要逃脱。The prisoners were warned that if they stepped out of line they would be severely punished.囚犯们受到警告说,如果他们不守规矩就会受到严惩。The prisoners escaped by digging a tunnel under the fence.囚犯们在围墙下面挖了一条隧道逃跑了。Prisoners are said to be routinely tortured.据说囚犯们照老规矩都要受折磨。Behind the wire, the prisoners were exercising.铁丝网内,囚犯们正在操练。The prisoners killed the warden in a savage rampage.囚犯们在一阵狂乱中杀死了典狱长。The governor promised that the prisoners would receive a fair trial.州长承诺囚犯们会受到公正的审判。The prisoners emerged blinking into the daylight.囚犯们眯着眼睛走进明亮的日光中。The prisoners were taken out into the desert and left to starve.囚犯们被押出去,扔进沙漠慢慢地饿死。The prisoners were so cruelly beaten that some even died in captivity.囚犯们遭到了毒打,有的甚至死在牢狱之中。The prisoners were released from captivity.囚犯们被释放了。The inmates ate in a communal dining room.囚犯们在公共餐厅吃饭。The prisoners used to call out to each other from their cells.以前,囚犯们就在自己的牢房互相喊来喊去。The prisoners defiantly sang a revolutionary song as they were led away.囚犯们被带走时唱起了革命歌曲以示反抗。The prisoners were taken to the exercise yard.囚犯们被带到了放风场地。The prisoners had been transferred to a different cell block.囚犯们被转移到另一个监区。The convicts complained bitterly about prison conditions.囚犯们对监狱的条件强烈不满。The prisoners were used as guinea pigs by their government.囚犯们被政府当作试验品。The prisoners are made to dig holes and fill them up again.囚犯们被强迫挖洞,然后再把它们填上。The prisoners complained of ill treatment by their guards.囚犯们抱怨看守虐待他们。The prisoners spent months planning their escape.囚犯们花了几个月的时间谋划逃跑。Convicts were made to break stone for the roads.囚犯们被要求砸石子筑路。Prisoners reported being regularly abused by their guards.囚犯们举报说他们遭到了看守经常性的虐待。The prisoners overpowered their guards and locked them in a cell.囚犯们制服了监狱看守,并将他们锁进了牢房。The guards turned a blind eye when the prisoners stole food from the kitchen.囚犯们从厨房偷吃东西时,警卫都装作没看见。We're hearing reports of the systematic rape and torture of prisoners.我们听到一些报道说囚犯们受到蓄意强暴和折磨。The prisoners were clapped in irons/chains.囚犯们被铐上了镣铐/锁链。Prisoners are subjected to humiliating treatment and frequent beatings.囚犯们受到羞辱,并常常遭到殴打。The prisoners ate every last morsel.囚犯们把最后每一丁点儿食物都吃了个干净。The prisoners were tortured on the rack.囚犯们在肢刑架上受刑。The prisoners walked hopelessly around their cells.囚犯们在牢房里绝望地转来转去。The prisoners were chained together.囚犯们被铁链拴在一起。The prisoners were beaten into submission.囚犯们被殴打制服。Prisoners are spared the indignity of wearing uniforms.囚犯们不必忍受身穿囚服的侮辱。The prisoners were ill and emaciated.囚犯们疾病缠身,骨瘦如柴。Prisoners had climbed onto the roof to protest about conditions in the jail.囚犯们爬上屋顶抗议监狱里的恶劣条件。The inmates filed past on their way to the mess hall.囚犯们列队走向食堂。The prisoners contrived a way to escape.囚犯们谋划了逃跑的路线。




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