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The studio clearly overspent on marketing, and the movie was still a flop.制片厂在推广方面显然已经花钱过多,可这部影片还是不卖座。The film is proving very profitable.结果证明这部电影非常卖座。Excellent reviews have assured the film's success.这部影片获得的好评保证了它的卖座。All the films released this summer have been box-office bummers.今年夏天上映的电影都不卖座。The firm wasn't a great success.这部影片并不十分卖座。Mission Impossible is the newest blockbuster movie in the market.不可能的任务是最近上市的卖座强片。The musical was bad box office.这部音乐剧很不卖座。His movie career started inauspiciously with several box-office flops.他的电影事业起初并不顺利,好几部电影都不卖座。The new musical has been a roaring success.这部新音乐剧非常卖座。The film will be a monster hit.这部电影将会非常卖座。This film was a runaway box-office success.这部影片的卖座率遥遥领先。The focus is on getting bums on seats, rather than artistic excellence.关键是要卖座,而不是追求艺术的极致。Despite getting rave reviews, the film was not a box office hit.尽管该影片好评如潮,但是并不卖座。The movie did very well at the box office. 这部电影非常卖座。Although the show was a hit in London it bombed on Broadway.尽管这部戏在伦敦十分卖座,但在百老汇却砸了锅。She portrays a dancer in the hit film.她在这部卖座的影片里扮演一位舞蹈演员。The film drew well.那部电影很卖座。The play enjoyed a record-breaking Christmas season.这出戏在圣诞期间创下破纪录的卖座率。After all the ballyhoo, the film was a flop.尽管进行了大吹大擂的宣传,这部电影还是不卖座。The shows made a socko source of income.演出十分卖座,收入惊人。Just recently China has produced two best-selling novels discussing lupine characteristics.中国最近出了两本讨论狼的本性的小说,非常卖座。The movie was a box-office smash.这部电影很卖座。He costarred in her most successful film.在她最卖座的影片中,他与她联袂出演。 |