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词汇 嗓门
例句 The sick man's voice sank to a whisper.病人的嗓门低得几乎听不见。He heard voices raised in song.他听见歌声中有人提高了嗓门He raised his voice in anger.他气得提高了嗓门It's a pity she has such a loud harsh voice.可惜她的嗓门太大、声音也太难听了。His voice rose in frustration.他懊恼得提高了嗓门Her voice was rough and loud like a man's.她的嗓音粗哑,嗓门又大,像男人的声音。She sang at the top of her throat.她放开嗓门大声歌唱。His mother was catty, status-conscious and loud.她母亲为人刻薄,势利眼,嗓门又大。His voice rose almost to a scream.他提高了嗓门,几乎在尖叫。We heard raised voices coming from the next room, and then a cry.我们听到隔壁房间里传来抬高了嗓门的说话声,接着是一声大叫。She's got this kooky, high-pitched voice.她的嗓门很大,而且怪怪的。Anne raised her voice in order to be heard.为了让人能听得见,安妮提高了嗓门Two Egyptians were arguing outside the room, their voices loud and guttural.两个埃及人正在屋外扯着嗓门粗声粗气地争吵。I had to shout to make myself heard above the din.由于噪音太大我不得不扯着嗓门说话好让别人听到。His gruff voice identified him.他那粗哑的嗓门让人一听就知道是他。Mr Fen had a loud voice that grated on her ears.芬先生嗓门很大,直刺她的耳朵。Try to project your voice so that the people at the back of the room can hear you.尽量放开嗓门,让坐在后排的人能听到。I wish you two would keep your voices down.我希望你俩把嗓门放低些。 You can always hear her voice above everybody else's.你总会听到她的嗓门压过其他所有的人。He spoke more loudly and with more vehemence than he had intended.他讲话时比预想的嗓门更大、更加激情澎湃。The more Tom drank, the louder he became.汤姆喝得越多,嗓门越大。His voice tailed away into silence as he lost courage.他一害怕,嗓门就越来越低而终于不再作声了。After they had drunk more wine, they started to become loud and boastful.又喝了几杯酒之后,他们都扯着嗓门自吹自擂起来。He repeated his denial with strident insistence.他尖着嗓门一再坚决否认。He raised his voice for the benefit of the other two women.为了让其他两个女人听清,他提高了嗓门




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