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词汇 dancer
例句 He offered it to me with all the panache of a ballet dancer presenting a rose.他风度翩翩地把它交给我,就像芭蕾舞演员献玫瑰花似的。She is the finished dancer of our period.她是当代最优秀的舞蹈演员。Blondin soon became famous as a rope-dancer. Nothing was too perilous for him to attempt.布隆丁很快就成了著名的走钢丝艺人,没有什么危险他不敢尝试的。My aunt is a dancer at our carnival.我姑姑是我们嘉年华的一个舞者。George, despite his great height and gangling walk, was a keen dancer.乔治尽管长得过高,走路姿势难看,但却热衷于跳舞。He wanted to follow in his mother's footsteps and be a ballroom dancer.他想像他母亲那样,以跳交际舞为业。He was the best dancer in LA.他是洛杉矶最棒的舞蹈演员。I never knew you were such a good dancer.我一直都不知道你的舞跳得这么好。None of us can equal her, either in beauty or as a dancer.论美貌或者论跳舞,我们谁也比不上她。Her accident foiled her dreams of becoming a dancer.她遭遇的意外事故粉碎了她当舞蹈家的梦想。The dancer executed a perfect turn.这舞蹈演员表演了一个炉火纯青的旋体动作。She owes her flexibility to her early training as a dancer.她的身体柔韧灵活是因为早年受过舞蹈训练Cecile was in her early thirties, a sometime actress, dancer and singer.塞茜尔三十出头,曾经做过演员、舞蹈演员和歌手。The dancer moved with a graceful stride.舞蹈演员以优美的步姿起舞。She is predominantly a dancer, but she also sings.她主要是跳舞,但也唱歌。He gestures, gesticulates, and moves with the grace of a dancer.他举手投足之间流露出舞者的优雅。You can tell she's a dancer from the way that she carries herself.你从她的举手投足间可以看出她是个舞蹈演员。He's a dancer in the Royal Ballet.他是皇家芭蕾舞团的舞蹈演员。She had to demonstrate excellence as a dancer, singer, and comedienne.她不得不证明自己是一个卓越的舞者、歌手和喜剧表演家。The boxes applauded the dancer.包厢观众向舞蹈演员鼓掌。The dancer's movements are very fluid.那个舞蹈演员的动作非常优美。He's an exceptionally talented dancer.他是个非常有天赋的舞者。She is a dancer of genius.她是个有天赋的舞者。A spinal operation put paid to her career as a ballet dancer.一次脊柱手术结束了她的芭蕾舞演员生涯。She was a dancer with the Royal Ballet.她是皇家芭蕾舞团的舞蹈演员。She didn't have the physique to be a dancer.她没有当舞蹈演员的体形。As a child I was quite a good dancer, but I didn't fulfil my early promise.我小时候舞跳得相当好,但我并没有成为舞蹈家。She left her husband after she learned about his fling with an exotic dancer.她知道丈夫和一个外国舞蹈演员偷情之后就离开了他。She gained international fame as a dancer.她是国际知名的舞蹈演员。That young dancer really stole the show tonight.那年轻的舞者今晚大出风头。Lena moved with the grace of a dancer.莉娜走路姿势像舞蹈演员一样优美。Janice is a gifted dancer.贾尼丝是位有天分的舞者。He was kicking his legs like a Can Can dancer.他像一名康康舞表演者那样在踢腿。He's a worse dancer than I am.他舞跳得比我差。She's built like a dancer – very tall and slim.她有舞蹈家的体形,个子高,又苗条。The new dancer smiled with a charming air of maidenly timidity and artlessness.新舞蹈演员带著少女般的羞怯和单纯迷人地微笑了。Mary, who played the part of the dancer, doubled as her mother.扮演舞蹈家的玛丽同时兼演她的妈妈。He was a terrible dancer and was booted off the show after the first week. 他跳舞跳得遭透了,第一个星期以后就被踢出了演出团队。I just can't see her as a ballet dancer.我怎么看她也不像是个芭蕾舞演员。I flatter myself on my skill in dancing. = I flatter myself that I'm a good dancer.我自认为舞跳得很好。




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