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词汇 dancers
例句 The dancers were wearing traditional Hungarian dress/costume.舞蹈者身着传统匈牙利服装。The dancers moved gracefully across the stage.舞蹈演员们以优雅的舞步穿过舞台。As the dancers whirled around, their skirts billowed out.随着舞者旋转起舞,她们的裙子鼓了起来。All the dancers and musicians wore traditional costume.所有的舞蹈演员和乐师都穿着传统服装。The dancers formed a line. = The dancers formed themselves into a line.舞蹈演员排成了一条直线。Both of these dancers knew full well why they attracted the attentions of two hot-blooded young men.这两个舞蹈演员都非常清楚为什么她们会引起两个血气方刚的年轻男子的注意。After a lengthy musical introduction, the dancers finally appear.一段冗长的音乐铺垫之后,舞蹈演员们总算现身了。The dancers gave a polished performance.舞蹈演员们表演精湛。The dancers gyrated wildly to the beat of the music.舞者随着音乐的节奏疯狂地旋转起舞。The dancers didn't have an ounce of energy left.舞蹈演员们用尽了体力。We can teach dancers up to intermediate level here.我们这儿最高可以把舞蹈学员教到中级水平。To this music the dancers became twisters.随著音乐跳舞的人都旋转起来。The dancers moved suggestively.舞者挑逗地扭动肢体。They were entertained by top singers, dancers and celebrities.顶级歌手、舞蹈演员和名人们给他们带来娱乐。What is lacking most in these young dancers is a feeling of soul.这些年轻舞蹈演员最缺乏的是灵性。Only a few of the dancers are practiced in traditional ballet.只有少数舞者能跳好传统芭蕾。Degas did a series of drawings of dancers at the ballet school in Paris.德加画了一系列巴黎的芭蕾舞学校舞蹈者的素描。The dancers wore slinky costumes.那群舞者穿着紧身性感的舞蹈服。We were allowed to watch the director rehearse the dancers.我们获准观看导演指导这些舞蹈演员排练。Phil likes women who are good dancers and stylish dressers.菲尔喜欢舞技好而且打扮入时的女性。The new car was launched with great razzmatazz: champagne, food, free gifts, and dancers.推出这款新轿车时活动搞得热闹非凡、五花八门——开香槟酒、提供膳食、散发礼品,还有舞蹈演员助兴。The two dancers moved together in a series of quick movements before disengaging and leaping apart.两位舞者先一起做了一组轻快的动作,然后跳跃分开。She was counted among the greatest dancers of the century.她可算是本世纪最伟大的舞蹈家之一。The dancers entered from the side of the stage.舞蹈演员从侧面登台。The dancers were sweating profusely.舞蹈演员们大汗淋漓。The shadows of the dancers wavered continually.舞者的身影在轻轻晃动着。The exhausted dancers collapsed as they stepped off the stage.精疲力竭的舞蹈演员走下舞台时瘫倒在地上。The dancers moved gracefully.舞蹈演员们翩翩起舞。Most ballet dancers are extremely slim.大多数芭蕾舞演员都非常苗条。Some dancers become their own worst enemies, criticizing themselves for every imperfection.一些舞者总是因每一处不完美而责备自己,成了他们自己最大的敌人。One of the dancers was out of step.其中一位舞者的舞步不合拍。Flamenco dancers do have stomping thunderously on the boards down to a fine art.弗拉明科舞者们当真把木板地上的轰鸣舞步变成了精美艺术。The dancers' dainty steps were followed by a series of leaps.舞蹈演员在优美的舞步之后做了一连串的跳跃动作。A line of male dancers gyrated to the music while the audience screamed their appreciation.一排男舞蹈演员随着音乐大跳性感热舞,观众们尖叫不已,大喊过瘾。The dancers moved round the floor, following some indeterminate pattern.舞者们在舞池中移动着,步子有点看不出章法。The room was full of dancers, all making last-minute adjustments to their costumes.房间里满是舞蹈演员,都在对演出服装作最后的调整。The dancers had elaborate costumes with long embroidered skirts.舞蹈演员们穿着华丽的服装,包括长长的绣花裙子。The dancers were dressed in their national costumes. 舞者们身穿各自的民族服装。The dancers practiced until they synchronized their movements.舞者们一直练习,直到动作一致。Before the curtain went up, the dancers took their places on stage.幕启之前,舞蹈演员都在舞台上站好了位置。




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