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词汇 哄骗
例句 Cross decided to beg and wheedle a bit.克罗斯决定用上点乞求和哄骗She sweet-talked him into lending her the money.她巧舌如簧,哄骗得他把钱借给了她。They tried to fool you into coming after us.他们想哄骗你追查我们。Try and wheedle a few extra pounds out of him.争取哄骗他多给几英镑。He conned them into believing he was ill.哄骗他们相信自己生病了。He was just stringing us along with false promises.他只是在用空头承诺不断地哄骗我们。Love songs trick us into believing in knights in shining armor.情歌哄骗我们去相信有勇救美人的英雄。They conned the school district into buying the property.他们哄骗学区买下了这片房地产。He deceived the old lady into lending him all her money for his business.哄骗老太太把所有的钱都借给他做生意。He artfully inveigled the Prime Minister into committing his government to the venture.他狡猾地哄骗总理,使政府卷进这个危险的行动。He argued and coaxed and cajoled.他又是争辩又是哄骗,还说尽好话。She was cunning enough to beguile her classmates into doing the work for her.她很滑头,哄骗自己的同学替她干活。He was tricked into revealing the place where he had hidden the money.他受人哄骗,泄露了他藏钱的地方。They tried to wheedle her into leaving the house.他们想哄骗她离开这屋子。She pleaded and wheedled, but I wouldn't be swayed.她又是哀求又是哄骗,但我不为所动。The salesman fobbed the lady off with a faulty machine.推销员哄骗那位太太买下一台有毛病的机器。I hope he's not just leading her on, because I'd hate to see her look foolish.我希望他不是在哄骗她,因为我不爱看到她一副傻乎乎的样子。He'd managed to inveigle his way into taking charge.他通过哄骗的手段设法当上了负责人。He put it across me by telling me that he was coming soon.哄骗我说很快就会来。We were duped by the con artist.我们被那个行骗高手哄骗了。There was no use trying to cajole my mind into silence.哄骗我叫我不要开口是办不到的。They bamboozled us into joining the club.他们哄骗我们参加了俱乐部。Love songs trick us into believing in knights in shining armour.情歌哄骗我们相信有勇救美人的英雄。He was tricked into buying the car. 他被哄骗买了那辆车。They were trying to trap him into some inadvertent admission.他们正试图哄骗他不经意地供认。The old man's sons had tricked him into signing the papers.那老人的几个儿子哄骗他在文件上签了名。The television play hoaxed viewers into believing an invasion was imminent.那出电视剧哄骗得观众相信一场入侵已迫在眉睫。Don't string people along if you're not serious.如果你只是玩玩而已,那就不要哄骗别人。




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