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词汇 宣布
例句 He's just announced the withdrawal of his resignation.他刚刚宣布收回他的辞呈。Political observers believe that a decision may be announced shortly.政治评论员认为可能很快便会宣布一项决定。The newspaper has announced its political endorsements.这家报纸已宣布其支持的政治主张。I chose the day before her departure to make the announcement.我决定在她离开的前一天宣布这件事。The company announced a double-barrelled investment and compensation plan.公司宣布了一项投资和赔偿双重计划。We are happy to announce the birth of our son Andrew.我们非常高兴地宣布我们的儿子安德鲁出生了。The electoral council announced that all eligible people would get a chance to vote.选举委员会宣布所有符合条件者都有机会投票。An official decree invalidated the vote in the capital.一份官方法令宣布在首都举行的投票无效。Cooper took obvious pleasure in announcing the merger.库珀带着明显的喜悦之情宣布了合并的消息。The fire department has condemned the place.消防部门宣布这个地方不宜住人。Before making the announcement, he paused for dramatic effect. 为了达到激动人心的效果,他在宣布之前稍微停顿了一下。She announced her intention to stand for Parliament.宣布说打算参加议员竞选。The senator has announced his intention to run for the presidency.这位参议员宣布了自己竞选总统的打算。Contrary to general expectation, he announced that they had given their approval.出乎一般人的料想,他宣布他们已经批准了。His lawyer announced that he will fight extradition.他的律师宣布他会为不被引渡而力争。The company president has announced her retirement.公司总裁宣布她要退休。The company announced plans to reopen its Detroit factory.公司宣布了在底特律重开工厂的计划。The results will be announced in two weeks' time.结果将于两周后宣布Yesterday she announced that she is quitting her job.昨天她宣布打算辞职。He announced, to left-wing cheers, his administrative policies.在左翼人士的一片喝彩声中,他宣布了他的施政方针。They ceremoniously cut a piece of ribbon, declaring the exhibition open.他们举行了剪彩仪式,宣布展览开幕。He announced a move to crack down on petty crime.宣布了一项旨在打击轻微犯罪的行动。The Scots proclaimed James Stuart as the legitimate heir to the British throne.苏格兰人宣布詹姆斯·斯图亚特为英国王位的合法继承人。Her doctors have pronounced her cured. 她的医生宣布她已经痊愈了。Our boss sent out an email announcing her departure.我们老板发了一封电邮宣布她的离职。The foreman stated that the jury found the defendant not guilty.陪审团主席宣布说陪审团认定被告无罪。The US Supreme Court recently upheld both of these sentences.美国最高法院最近宣布维持这两项判决。The government reacted by declaring all strikes illegal.政府作出反应,宣布所有罢工行为都是非法的。The Senator is expected to announce next week.参议员预计会在下周宣布参加竞选。Pandemonium reigned in the hall as the unbelievable election results were read out.令人难以置信的竞选结果一宣布,大厅里便乱成一片。He issued a terse statement, saying he is discussing his future with colleagues before announcing his decision on Monday.他发表了简短声明,称他正在和同事讨论他的未来,并将于星期一宣布他的决定。The court is getting ready to hand down a potentially historic decision.法庭正准备宣布一项可能具有历史意义的决定。Government leaders have shifted their ground on drugs, announcing their willingness to decriminalize cannabis.政府领导人已经改变了对毒品的立场,宣布他们愿意使大麻合法化。The government may declare martial law in response to the latest violence in the region.政府可能会宣布戒严,应对该地区最近发生的暴力事件。In an emotionally charged speech, he said he was resigning.在一场充满激情的演讲中,他宣布即将辞职。He announced that there would be more stringent controls on the possession of weapons.宣布将对武器的持有实行更严格的控制。The last five winners will be named next Tuesday.下周二将宣布最后五名获胜者。A specialist has now pronounced him fully fit.一位专家已宣布他的身体完全恢复了。She was bursting to announce the news but was sworn to secrecy.她急不可待地想宣布这个消息,但她发过誓要守口如瓶。The government has announced a new way of assigning resources to fight the fires.政府已经宣布了消防资源分配的新方法。




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