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词汇 咔嗒
例句 The door clicked shut behind her.门在她身后咔嗒一声关上了。The last piece of the puzzle clicked into place.最后一块拼图咔嗒一声嵌了进去。Her heels clicked on the marble floor.她的鞋跟踩在大理石地板上发出咔嗒咔嗒的声音。Her bracelets were going clack-clack-clack, she was shaking so hard.她的手镯咔嗒咔嗒直响,她抖得太厉害了。There was a click as the door closed behind him.门在他身后咔嗒一声关上了。Sabres rasped from scabbards and the horsemen spurred forward.马刀在刀鞘里咔嗒作响,骑手催马向前。They sat together on the rattling tram.他们一起坐在咔嗒咔嗒响的有轨电车上。The officer clicked his heels together and saluted.军官咔嗒一声并拢脚跟,敬了个礼。Can you hear that strange clicking noise?你能听到咔嗒咔嗒的怪声吗?The train rattled into the station.火车咔嗒咔嗒地驶进了车站。The door clicked shut behind me.门在我身后咔嗒一声关上了。He clicked off the radio.咔嗒一声关掉了收音机。The car is making an ominous rattling sound.汽车在发出一种不祥的咔嗒咔嗒声。The windshield wipers clacked back and forth.挡风玻璃上的雨刷咔嗒咔嗒来回摆动。The telephone rang three times before I heard a click and then her recorded voice.电话铃响了三次之后我听到咔嗒一声,然后是她的录音留言。The windows rattle when a train goes past.火车经过的时候,窗户被震得咔嗒作响。A battered old Chevrolet rattled past.一辆破旧的雪佛兰咔嗒咔嗒着驶过。As the gladiators rolled away from the starting gates, a gasp went up when the Scottish cyclist's left foot clicked out of the pedal.矫健的自行车手们纷纷骑车冲出起跑门,突然苏格兰选手的左脚咔嗒一声踩空了踏板,观众不禁倒抽了一口冷气。I clacked one ski against the other and almost tripped.我的一个雪橇板咔嗒一声撞在另一个上面,差点把我绊倒。The lid just clips back on.盖子咔嗒一声盖回去。I heard a rattling noise.我听到了咔嗒咔嗒的声音。He clicked the radio off.咔嗒一声关掉了收音机。Their boots made a great clatter as they came in.他们进来时,靴子发出咔嗒咔嗒的响声。A key clicked in the latch of the front door.有钥匙在开前门上的锁,发出咔嗒咔嗒的声音。The door closed behind him with a click.门在他身后咔嗒一声关上了。Listen for a clicking sound as the child's hips are abducted.听,这个孩子的髋部外展打开时就会发出咔嗒一声。He closed his briefcase with a click.咔嗒一声合上了公文包。




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