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词汇 yarn
例句 She still spins the yarn herself.她仍然自己纺纱。He tried to spin us some yarn about how he was collecting for the church. It was all lies.他试图给我们编一个他如何为教会募捐的故事。那全都是谎言。She still spins the yarn and knits sweaters for her family.她仍然纺纱为家人织毛线衫。Mother used to spin her own yarn.母亲过去一直是自己纺纱的。The sheep's wool will be spun into yarn.这些羊毛将被用来纺成毛线。The woman knits stockings from yarn.那妇人用纱线织袜子。She spun him a yarn about receiving a disk which contained highly sensitive data.她骗他说自己收到一张存有高度敏感信息的磁盘。The yarn snarled as she unwound it.毛线在她解开时交缠了起来。The kitten snarled the yarn by playing with it.小猫玩纱线,弄得一团糟。Steel, rubber, and yarn are semimanufactures.钢材、橡胶和纱线都是半成品。He spun a yarn about his friendship with the royal family.他胡诌了一通他与王室之间友情的故事。A local sheep farmer has a booth at the county fair and is selling wool yarn.一位当地的牧羊人在县集市上摆了个货摊卖羊毛线。The kitten entangled the ball of yarn.小猫把线团弄得乱七八糟。He spun me some yarn this morning about having to have the day off on Friday.他今儿早上跟我胡编,说什么他星期五非请一天假不可。Don't tangle the yarn.别让纱线缠作一团。Spindle is the measure for yarn.司品德是纱的度量单位。The little girl tangled the yarn her mother was knitting.小女孩把她妈妈在编结的毛线弄得纠结在一起了。They spun the wool into yarn.他们把羊毛纺成了线。As the name suggests, a yarn winder is a device used to wind balls of yarn.正如其名字所表明的那样,绕纱机是把纱绕成纱球的机器。The fibres are twisted together during spinning to form a strong yarn.这些纤维在纺织的过程中被织成结实的纺线。The wool is combed before being spun into yarn.羊毛在纺成纱线之前需要梳理。Galton's life makes a rattling good yarn.高尔顿的人生就是一个扣人心弦的绝妙故事。He went on to spin an entertaining yarn about his army days.他接着给我们杜撰了一个关于他当兵时的有趣故事。Doug has a yarn or two to tell me about his trips into the bush.道格要给我讲几个他到荒野地区旅行的奇遇故事。The beggar spun a long yarn about his misfortunes.那乞丐讲了个关于他不幸身世的长长的故事。Wool fibers can be spun into yarn.羊毛纤维可纺成纱。Rukmeni's a great storyteller, so she'll probably spin them a yarn about some prince or god.鲁克马尼非常善于讲故事,她有可能给他们编个什么王子或神的故事。I finished knitting the last row and tied off the yarn.我织完了最后一行,然后把纱线打了个结。The yarn is woven into a coarse fabric.纱线被织成了粗布。The kitten was playing with a ball of yarn.小猫正在玩一团线。The old mariner liked to yarn about his sea adventures.老水手喜欢讲他的海上奇遇。The yarn has to be threaded through the needle.得把纱线穿进针去。There's a knot in the yarn.纱线上有个结。He was good with his hands and could unravel a knot or untangle yarn that others wouldn't even attempt.他的手很灵巧,其他人甚至都不敢尝试的一些难解的绳结或缠在一起的纱线,他都能解开。Craft Resources also sells yarn and embroidery floss.工艺人员服务公司也售卖纱线和绣花丝线。




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