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词汇 yards
例句 Our new apartment complex has a tennis court, swimming pool, playground – the whole nine yards.我们新的公寓楼有网球场、游泳池、游乐场 — 应有尽有。On the next play, Johnson ran fifteen yards for a touchdown.接下来的一次进攻,约翰逊跑了十五码持球触地得分。Their yards were separated by a line of trees.他们的院子之间隔着一排树木。The quarterback gained five yards on a keeper.四分卫利用护球推进打法向前推进了五码。John was sitting a few yards away to my right.约翰坐在我右边几码远的地方。A tall fence divides the two yards.一排高高的栅栏把两个院子隔开。A few yards away, Jos Vargas stands beside his small home.几码之外,乔斯·瓦尔加斯站在他的小房子旁边。He averaged four yards per carry this season.这个赛季他平均每次带球跑的距离是四码。He made a few more yards before he fell down.他又走了几码之后终于倒下了。The river is more than fifty yards wide.这条河五十多码宽。He asked us to move back a few yards.他叫我们向后退几码。Black smog reduced visibility to about fifty yards.黑色的烟雾使能见度降到大约五十码左右。He remembered yards of facts and figures.他记住了大量的事实和成串的数据。The guidance system is accurate to within a matter of yards.制导系统的准确性使误差保持在几码之内。This lakelet was, perhaps, a hundred yards in diameter at its widest part.这个小湖最宽的地方大概有一百码宽。They gained five yards on the last play.在最后一次进攻中,他们将球推进了五码。A few yards up the hill, on the left, was a turning.沿着斜坡往上走几码远,左手边有一个转弯。She was playing just yards from where the building fell.她当时正在离房子倒塌处几码的地方玩。Several hundred yards beyond the first switchback in the road, he came to the second bend.过了公路上第一个之字形路段后又走了几百码,他来到了第二个弯道处。They advanced a few hundred yards, but at a heavy cost in life.他们推进了几百码,但是人员伤亡十分惨重。Because of the fog, we could only see a few yards in front of us.因为有雾,我们只看得见前面几码远。Smith Point is a small piece of land extending a hundred yards or so into the water.史密斯岬角是伸入水里一百码左右的一小块土地。He saw the grey Land-Rover down the bypass. It was more than a hundred yards from him.他看见那辆灰色的路虎越野车停在不远处的边道上,离他一百码开外。There was a gain of five yards on first down, but a loss of three yards on second down.第一次进攻向前推进了五码,但第二次却后退了三码。The yards are overgrown and cluttered with trash…院子里杂草丛生,垃圾成堆。British shipbuilders can now compete on equal terms with foreign yards.英国造船商现在可与国外船厂公平竞争了。Three men had a lucky escape when the roof collapsed just yards from where they were standing.屋顶倒塌了,距离这三个人站立的地方只有几码远,他们侥幸脱逃。The yards were full of stinking garbage cans, and untidy lines of washing.院子里满是臭烘烘的垃圾箱,还乱七八糟地晾着一行行衣服。If we're going to replace the cabinets, we might as well go the whole nine yards and remodel the entire kitchen.咱们要是更换橱柜的话,不妨彻底把整个厨房重新改造一番。He measured off three yards of rope.他量出了三码绳子。Hugh and Rose were celebrating their ruby wedding anniversary, complete with uniformed caterers and florists, the whole nine yards.休和罗斯在庆祝红宝石婚,请了身穿制服的酒席承办人,定了花商,该有的全有了。Hugo's house was about two hundred yards away along the main street.沿大街过去大约两百码远的地方就是雨果的家。We were standing no more than 10 yards away from the scene of the crime and we didn't realize it.我们站的地方离案发现场仅仅十码远,但我们却不知道。The directional microphone trained on Foresters Cottage could pick up every word uttered inside at several hundred yards.对准福雷斯特小屋的定向扩音器在几百码远的地方也能捕捉到里面的人所说的任何一句话。He measured off three yards of cloth.他量出三码布。When I was little, my family always had lots of pets - dogs, cats, hamsters, fish, rabbits - the whole nine yards.我小时候家里总是有许多宠物:狗、猫、仓鼠、鱼、兔子,应有尽有。Cloth is measured in yards.布料以码来计量。The lake itself lies only a few hundred yards off to your right and slightly downhill.那片湖就在你右侧几百码远稍微往下走一点的地方。The boy disappeared behind the wall and reappeared a few yards away.那男孩在墙后隐没,又在几码远的地方出现了。A flashlight beam probed the underbrush only yards away from their hiding place.一束手电筒光束在离他们的藏身之地只有几码远的灌木丛里照来照去。




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