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词汇 capitalist
例句 The profit motive is at the core of the capitalist system.利润动机是资本主义制度的核心。There is a convergence between capitalist firms and co-operatives in terms of business strategy.资本主义公司和合作企业在经营战略方面趋于一致。The party's avowed aim was to struggle against capitalist exploitation.该党公开宣称的宗旨是与资本主义剥削作斗争。Lenin said that the best way to destroy the capitalist system was to debauch the currency.列宁说,摧毁资本主义体系的最好办法是击垮其货币。Marx's work was more than a critical study of capitalist production.马克思的著作不仅仅是对资本主义生产的批判性研究。It's the capitalist syndrome of growth, profits, and competition.它是资本主义(经济)增长、利润和竞争的特征。We live in a capitalist society.我们生活在一个资本主义社会。Some cynics say that popular music is a mere instrument of capitalist domination.有些愤世嫉俗的人说流行音乐只不过是资本主义统治的工具而已。The anti-capitalist movement makes its presence felt through demonstrations.反资本主义运动通过示威游行来造声势。Our economy is predominantly capitalist.我们的经济中,资本主义经济占主导地位。I'm a strong believer in the capitalist system.我是资本主义制度坚定的信奉者。The capitalist system extracts huge profits from arms production at the tax-payers' expense.资本主义体制牺牲纳税人的利益,从武器生产中牟取暴利。The US is a highly-developed capitalist country.美国是高度发达的资本主义国家。Within a free enterprise capitalist society, resources are very unevenly distributed.在自由企业式的资本主义社会里,资源分配极不均衡。Marx taught that capitalist economies are eventually doomed to collapse.马克思宣称资本主义经济必然会走向崩溃。Warren also allows that capitalist development may, in its early stages, result in increased social inequality.沃伦也承认资本主义发展初级阶段可能会导致社会不平等现象加剧。There is a convergence between capitalist firms and cooperatives in terms of business strategy.资本主义企业同合作社在商业战略上有着一致性。He is an unabashed capitalist.他是一个厚脸皮的资本家。Poland is trying to move from a centrally planned socialist economy to a free-market capitalist economy.波兰正试图从中央计划的社会主义经济体制走向资本主义自由市场经济体制。




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