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词汇 Look
例句 Look out! There's a car coming!当心!有一辆汽车开过来了!Look what you've done, you clot!看看你干了什么,笨蛋!Look out for special deals.密切注意异常交易。Look, there's no need to labour the point - I made a mistake - I admit it!喂,用不着三番五次地说来说去——我犯了错误——我承认!Look, I'll stick my neck out and say it'll be finished by tomorrow evening.看,我甘冒风险,说明天晚上以前会把它完成。Look at the picture.看看这幅画。Look at that guy. He's got red socks.你看那边那个家伙,他穿着双红袜子。Look at the illustration on the facing page.看对开页上的插图。Look at that outfit he's wearing – is he for real?看看他穿的衣服,不是太滑稽了吗?Look at that moon. Is that beautiful or what?.看看那月亮,它真漂亮,不是吗?Look me up next time you're in Los Angeles.下次来洛杉矶时一定要来看我。Look at the numbers of small businesses that are being hammered unmercifully.看看有多少小企业正在遭受无情的打击。Look how long Ayesha's hair is getting.你看艾莎的头发长得多长了。Look at all the books on your desk!看看你书桌上这么多书!Look at what they are getting up to.瞧他们要搞什么名堂。Look at the beautiful shiny finish on that piano.瞧瞧那架钢琴漂亮光泽的表面。Look at the beautiful decorations on this side of the coin.你看硬币的这一面,装饰图案很漂亮。Look out, Phil - there's a car coming!当心,菲尔—有车来了!Look at that young couple. They're all over each other! 瞧那对儿年轻人。他们正在亲热!Look for software that's flexible enough for a range of abilities.寻找功能多、适用性强的软件。Look sharp! Do not dawdle about like that.快点! 别这么磨磨蹭蹭了。Look carefully at the rear door. It's not quite the same colour as the rest of the car.仔细看一下后车门,它与车子其他地方的颜色不太一样。Look at you! You're growing like a weed!看你!长得真快啊!Look carefully at these questions and mark your answers down in the right-hand column.仔细审题,然后在右栏中写下答案。Look up any words you don't know in a dictionary.有不认识的单词就查词典。Look at the way he's dressed. It's an embarrassment.瞧瞧他穿的衣服,真够丢人的。Look at the information that precedes the paragraph in question.查看正在讨论的这段文字前面的信息。Look, I don't want to argue with you, so just lay off.你听我说,我不想和你吵,所以别来烦我。Look to your laurels and take every possible precaution to ensure you're not being tricked.要防范你的对手,采取一切可能的预防措施确保你不会上当。Look at that little dog!Isn't he a love!瞧那只小狗! 多招人喜欢! Look here, sonny, you've got a lot to learn!看着,小伙子,你要学的东西多着呢!Look!A car has stopped there. The car is very beautiful.瞧! 一辆汽车在那里停下了。那辆汽车可真漂亮。Look at that old car she bought - I give it two weeks before it breaks down.看看她买的那辆老爷车吧——我估计两星期就得坏。Look, the tubes fit together like this.你看,这些管子是这样接起来的。Look at your clothes! They're covered in mud.瞧瞧你的衣服!上面全是泥。Look both ways before crossing the road.过马路前要左右看看。This passport is invalid. Look at the expiry date.这本护照无效,看看失效日期。Look out for your Aunt while you're at the station.你到了车站要留神寻找你姨妈。Look after yourself properly while you are pregnant. These are some of the things you can do for yourself.怀孕期间要小心照顾自己的身体,以下这些事情是你自己能做的。Look at my new top.看看我的新上衣。




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