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例句 Czech and Slovak are separate languages but they are mutually intelligible.捷克语和斯洛伐克语是两种不同的语言,但可以互相听懂Is there anybody who doesn't understand what to do?有人没听懂该做什么吗?So that's how the system works. Are you with me?这个系统就是这样运行的。 你听懂了吗?The speaker's articulation was so poor that no one could understand him.讲员口齿不清,因此没有人能听懂他的话。Do you follow me?听懂我的话了吗? It's difficult to get through to students who don't want to learn.要不愿学习的学生听懂是困难的。His pronunciation was incomprehensible to most of us.他的发音我们大多数人很难听懂She explained it in terms which any reasonably well-informed person could understand.她用一些任何有一定知识面的人都能听懂的术语来解释它。I must confess that I didn't understand a word she said.我得承认我一点也没听懂她说的话。I didn't quite catch what he said.我没太听懂他说的话。He didn't see the joke.他没听懂这个笑话。Would you mind repeating that, I didn't quite latch on.这句话请你再说一遍,我没完全听懂His English was incomprehensible.他的英语很难听懂Not everyone got the joke.不是每个人都听懂了那个笑话。Gazing up into his eyes, she seemed to take in all he said.她抬起头注视着他的眼睛,好像听懂了他说的一切。The argument was so convoluted that most people missed the point.这个论证非常难理解,大多数人都没听懂I could barely understand a word of his story.他的故事我几乎一个字都没听懂He can make scientific concepts understandable to the general public.他能把科学概念讲得深入浅出,让公众都能听懂I didn't get the drift of his argument.我没有听懂他论点的要领。It's difficult to understand him because he has a speech impediment.他的话很难听懂,因为他讲话口吃。Everyone laughed, but Harold didn't seem to get the joke.每个人都笑了,但是哈罗德好像没听懂那个笑话。It was hard for me to understand her - her accent was very strong.我很难听懂她的话,她口音很重。An ear for foreign languages is advantageous.能够听懂外语是种优势。He stuttered something that I didn't understand.他结结巴巴地说了点什么,我没听懂You're missing my point.你没有听懂我的意思。He speaks a slightly stilted French suitable for foreigners.他讲的法语有点不自然,但外国人容易听懂The girl jabbered incomprehensibly.那个女孩儿叽里咕噜地说着,谁也没听懂I understood very little of what she said.她说的话我只能听懂一点点。You need a dictionary to understand what he's saying half the time.有一半时间你需要靠字典才能听懂他的话。The joke was lost on Alex.亚历克斯没听懂这个笑话。She seems to have missed the joke.她好像没有听懂这个笑话。She gave a long involved explanation that no one could follow.她作了一个冗长而复杂的解释,没一个人能听懂I'm sorry, I'm not with you.对不起,我没听懂你的话。Her pronunciation was incomprehensible to most of us.她的发音我们大多数人很难听懂I don't think she got the joke.我想她是没有听懂这个笑话。Christ used parables to explain moral questions in a way that people could understand.基督用寓言故事来解释道德问题,让人们都能够听懂His lecture was difficult to follow, because it was filled with extraneous discursions.他的课很难听懂,因为他老是东拉西扯地跑题。This animal can be trained to follow simple orders.这种动物经过训练能听懂简单的命令。The joke was completely lost on Chris.这个笑话克里斯一点也没有听懂I missed most of what she said.她大部分的话我都没听懂




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