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词汇 含蓄
例句 The world which the book inhabits seems too self-consciously literary, too introverted.该书所描绘的世界似乎过分刻意地追求文学性,过于内敛含蓄There is no subtle way to tell someone that you no longer want them.没有什么委婉含蓄的方法可以告诉别人你不再需要他们。He uses language with great subtlety.他的语言表达含蓄微妙。His subtle flattery made her expand and glow.他那含蓄的奉承使她心花怒放,满面带笑。This is seen as an implicit warning not to continue with military action.这被视为一个停止军事行动的含蓄警告。The dress reflects our signature style of understated elegance with a strong feeling of individuality.这套礼服展现出我们含蓄优雅但又极具个性的特质。Her words sounded like a veiled warning.她的话听起来像是一个含蓄的警告。This was not an implicit criticism of his performance nor a marker of failure.这既非对他的表现的含蓄批评,也不是失败的标志。His statement is being seen as implicit criticism of the work of research laboratories.他的言论被认为是对研究实验室工作的含蓄的批评。Their plans are based on the implicit assumption that the proposal will be accepted.他们的计划基于含蓄的假设,即这一提议将会被接受。I think we need a more subtle approach.我认为我们需要采用一种更含蓄的方式。Some of the designs are subtle, some gloriously OTT.有些设计含蓄精妙,有些夸张绚丽。Subtle hints are wasted on people like that.含蓄的暗示对那样的人没用。I gave her an inkling of her shortcomings.我以含蓄的话指出了她的缺点。He was not exactly subtle about it!他对此可是不怎么含蓄啊!He was being so subtle, I didn't realize he liked me.他表现得很含蓄,我都没有意识到他喜欢我。Her comments contain an implicit criticism of the government.她的评论中包含对政府的含蓄批评。Every metaphor contains within it implicit, unstated assumptions about what is real and what is not.每个隐喻都含有关于真与假的不予言明的含蓄假设。Brian was courtly and reserved.布赖恩温文尔雅,含蓄拘谨。The characters in his early novels are a lot subtler than the overblown caricatures in his more recent work.同他近期作品中夸张的讽刺描述相比,他早期小说中的人物要含蓄得多。His suggestions may be seen as an implicit criticism of government policy.他的建议可以看作是对政府政策的含蓄批评。English people are notoriously repressed and don't talk about their feelings.英国人以含蓄克制闻名,不会谈论他们的感情。




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