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词汇 否定态度
例句 His statement is seen as a climbdown from the strong denial he made yesterday.他的声明被看作是对其昨天强硬否定态度的一种让步。There is a lot of negativity about the new boss.员工们对新老板多持否定态度Miss Watson took a dim view of Paul's behaviour.沃森小姐对保罗的行为持否定态度His statement is seen as an attempt to climb down from the strong denial he made yesterday.他的声明被看作是对其昨天强硬否定态度的一种让步。She is very negative about the long-term viability of the project.她对这个项目的长期可行性持否定态度When asked for your views, on no account should you be negative.在问到你的看法时,你绝对不该持否定态度Many employers take a dim view of workers who speak out against bad working conditions.许多雇员对大胆发言抗议工作条件恶劣的工人持否定态度




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