例句 |
The plane was hailing leaflets on the city.飞机正在向城市撒下大批传单。As rural factories shed labour, people drift towards the cities.由于农村工厂遣散劳动力,人们便向城市涌去。A huge army marched on the city.一支庞大的队伍向城市进发。They turned up the heat in the second half mounting attack after attack on the City goal.他们在下半场加强了攻势,向城市队的球门发起了一波又一波进攻。The road goes in a direct line towards the town.那条路笔直地通向城市。The decline of the rural economy has caused urban migration.农村经济的衰退已经导致许多人向城市迁移。 |