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词汇 通货膨胀
例句 Inflation continues to riddle the pocketbook.通货膨胀继续在人们的存款本上开出一个个窟窿。Measures have been taken to curb inflation.已采取措施抑制通货膨胀The Health Minister, who resigned today, claims she is an innocent victim caught in the crossfire of the current battle over inflation.今日辞职的卫生部长称自己是当前通货膨胀引起的纷争的无辜受害者。The anticipated inflation figure is lower than last month's.预计中的通货膨胀数字低于上月。An increase in oil prices would kick off a new round of inflation.石油价格的上涨将引起新的一轮通货膨胀He is tussling with the problem of what to do about inflation.他正全力应对如何解决通货膨胀的问题。It is vital that inflation is kept in check.抑制通货膨胀至关重要。The CBI also says the squeeze is slowing down inflation.英国工业联合会还说银根紧缩正在减缓通货膨胀They were attempting to trade off inflation against unemployment.他们试图在通货膨胀与失业问题之间寻求平衡。A rumble over inflation arose across the country.全国到处抱怨通货膨胀Government policies have resulted in higher inflation and financial instability.政府制定的政策导致了通货膨胀的加剧和财政状况的不稳定。The farmers say recent inflation has driven them to the brink of ruin.农民们说最近的通货膨胀使他们濒临破产。Your pension is protected against inflation.你的养老金是不受通货膨胀影响的。The study indicates that the unemployment rate and inflation are inversely proportional.研究表明,失业率和通货膨胀呈反比关系。All attempts to control inflation have failed.控制通货膨胀的所有努力都失败了。Wages are not keeping pace with inflation.工资的增长赶不上通货膨胀的速度。The inflation kited shipping costs skyward.通货膨胀使海运费用扶摇直上。All politicians agree that inflation must be beaten but they differ over methods of achieving this.所有的政治家都认为必须遏制通货膨胀,但对于怎么样去做,他们各持己见。Total spending was virtually the same in real terms after factoring in inflation.计入通货膨胀因素后,总支出实际上没有变化。The government sees price controls as a way to combat inflation.政府把控制物价作为对抗通货膨胀的一种方法。The government has lowered interest rates in an attempt to keep inflation in check.政府降低了利率,试图抑制通货膨胀Russia faces many internal problems, for example inflation.俄罗斯面临许多内部问题,比如通货膨胀The fall in inflation is the silver lining of the prolonged recession.通货膨胀的下降是长期经济衰退中的一线转机。His no-inflation bill serves as a useful counterweight to proposals less acceptable to the Committee.他的反通货膨胀法案相对于那些不怎么让委员会满意的提案来说倒是一个有效的平衡。The increased inflation will inject a degree of instability into the economy.通货膨胀加剧会给经济造成一定程度的不稳定。Inflation, though still hot, will ease a bit.通货膨胀势头虽仍很猛,但是会略有缓和。Bond traders worried about inflation have driven up interest rates on long-term bonds.债券交易员担心通货膨胀抬升了长期债券的利率。Economists see housing prices as a barometer for inflation. 经济学家把房价看作是预测通货膨胀的指标。My salary doesn't keep up with inflation.我的工资跟不上通货膨胀The pay raise will be offset by inflation.增加的薪资会被通货膨胀所抵销。Last week's inflation figures were a stunner.上星期通货膨胀的数字令人震惊。Inflation has become a chronic condition in the economy.通货膨胀已成为经济上反复出现的问题。He will be able to take some comfort from inflation figures due on Friday.预定星期五发布的通货膨胀数字将会给他一些宽慰。For some time there have been murmurings of discontent over the government policy on inflation.一段时间以来,人们都在暗地里发着牢骚,表达对政府应对通货膨胀政策的不满。Inflation caused widespread discontent.通货膨胀引起普遍不满。For a while they tried using price restrictions as a way of controlling inflation.有一阵子他们试着限制价格以控制通货膨胀The paper deals with the nation's problems, ranging from runaway inflation to a lowering of literacy levels.这篇论文论及国家面临的从失控的通货膨胀到文化程度普遍下降等诸多问题。The threat of inflation is already evident in bond prices.通货膨胀的危险在证券价格上已经表现得很明显。Minimum pensions and wages are to be indexed to inflation.最低养老金和工资将与通货膨胀指数挂钩。When inflation rises, so do bankruptcies.通货膨胀加剧,破产个案也会增加。




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