例句 |
His receding hair was slicked back from his forehead.他已经开始谢顶的头发从额头向后梳成了光溜溜的背头。Scrape your hair back and add a parting.把头发紧紧向后梳,再分个缝。Her hair is scraped back into a pony-tail.她把头发向后梳成了一个紧紧的马尾辫。She brushed back a stray curl of hair.她把一绺卷曲的散发向后梳去。He ran a hand back through his ruffled hair.他把一只手伸进乱发里向后梳。His hair was sleeked back with oil.他的头发用发油向后梳理得平滑光亮。Clarissa's hair was swept up into a sophisticated style.克拉丽莎的头发向后梳成一个很老成的式样。She had pale thin yellow hair she pulled back into a bun.她把一头稀疏的浅黄色头发向后梳,挽成了个圆髻。She usually wears her hair pulled/tied back in a ponytail.她通常向后梳个马尾辫。 |