例句 |
I'd like eggs with toast on the side.我要鸡蛋配吐司。The coffee was untouched, the toast had cooled.咖啡没有动过,吐司也已经凉了。He drank his orange juice and crunched a half burnt piece of toast.他喝着橙汁,嚼着一片烤得半焦的吐司。The coffee was untouched, the toast had cooled.咖啡没有动过,吐司已经凉了。Right, who's for a toasted sandwich then?.好吧,谁想要吐司三明治?Every morning he eats a meager breakfast of toast and coffee.每天早上他早餐吃得很少,只有吐司和咖啡。I cram egg, toast, bacon, and fried potatoes into my mouth, swilling it all down with coffee.我把鸡蛋、吐司、熏肉和炸土豆塞进嘴里,用咖啡把它们一股脑儿顺下去。Poached eggs on toast is a good breakfast.水煮荷包蛋加吐司是很好的早餐。 |