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词汇 后视镜
例句 Always check your mirror before pulling out to overtake.超车前一定要注意看后视镜Donna looked in her rear-view mirror and saw with alarm that the Audi was still gaining on her.唐娜看了一眼后视镜,惊惶地发现那辆奥迪还在追她。He saw the flashing lights of the highway patrol car in his driving mirror.他从后视镜中看见公路巡逻车闪烁的车灯。Always check your rear view mirror before you overtake (another car).超车前一定要先看一下后视镜He checked his mirror then reversed up the outside lane.他看了一眼后视镜,然后把车倒上了外车道。He checked his mirror and saw that a dark coloured van was immediately behind him.他看了一下后视镜,发现一辆深色货车紧随其后。I'll just clean the muck off the windscreen and wing mirrors.我这就把挡风玻璃和后视镜上的尘垢擦掉。He looked up into the mirror as he changed through his gears.他一边换挡,一边抬眼看后视镜He checked his mirror and saw that a blue van was immediately behind him.他看了一下后视镜,发现一辆蓝色小货车紧随其后。He hadn't troubled himself to check his mirrors.他都没想要看看后视镜Liz adjusted her mirror and then edged the car out of its parking bay.利兹调好了后视镜,慢慢把车开出停车位。The motorist saw in his driving mirror that a police car was following him.那位驾车人从他的后视镜里看到一辆警车正跟著他。Parking is helped by wide door mirrors.宽大的后视镜有助于泊车。Before starting off you should check that your seat and mirrors are properly adjusted.出发前,你应该检查一下座位和后视镜的位置是否调节妥当。We standardize parts such as rear-view mirrors, so that one type will fit any model of car we make.我们对后视镜之类的零部件进行标准化生产,这样只要一种型号便能匹配我们制造的所有款式的汽车了。She cast a quick look in the rear mirror.她迅速看了一眼后视镜




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