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词汇 twins
例句 The twins cuddled up to each other.那对双胞胎依偎著躺在一起。The twins spend all their time together.这对双胞胎总是呆在一起。Identical twins develop from a single fertilized egg that then splits into two.同卵双胞胎是由一个受精卵分裂发育而来的。There have been a lot of interesting studies done on identical twins separated at birth.对出生后就分开的同卵双胞胎有很多有趣的研究。Patsy was celebrating last night after giving birth to twins.帕齐生下一对双胞胎,昨天晚上在庆祝。You think having twins would be fun? Be careful what you wish for, you may just get it.你认为生双胞胎有趣?小心别许错愿,你可能真的就会如愿了。Non-identical twins are the result of two fertilised eggs implanting in the uterus at the same time.非同卵双生子是两个受精卵同时在子宫内着床的结果。If two ova are fertilized at the same time, the mother will have twins.如果两个卵子同时受精,母亲就会生出双胞胎。Bringing up twins requires a great deal of energy.养育双胞胎要花大量的精力。The twins often borrow each other's clothes.这对双胞胎经常借对方的衣服穿。Having twins usually means double trouble for the parents.生双胞胎对父母而言通常意味着双倍的麻烦。The twins had an easygoing family spirit of share and share alike.这对双胞胎颇有姐妹之间不分彼此的情谊。The twins were joined together at birth and had to be separated in a very delicate operation.这两个孪生儿出生时身体相连,不得不进行相当精细的手术把他们分开。The twins were separated at birth.这对双胞胎出生时被分开了。The twins are so alike that it's impossible to tell them apart.这对双胞胎长得那么像,不可能把他们区分开来。The twins have been monkeying about in the attic again.那对双胞胎又在阁楼上胡闹了。The twins are temperamentally different.这对双胞胎性情完全不同。The twins turned and smiled at each other, sharing a private joke.两个双胞胎转过身相视一笑,分享着一个只有他们俩知道的笑话。The twins fight tooth and nail over the slightest disagreement.这对双胞胎为了一点儿小矛盾而吵得不可开交。At first glance the twins look identical.这对双胞胎乍一看一模一样。His wife is pregnant with twins. 他妻子怀了双胞胎。There's an affinity between the twins that's very rare.在双胞胎之间有一种非常罕见的相互感应。The twins looked at each other and smiled.这对双胞胎相视而笑。Once your twins are mobile, keeping them safe becomes a major task.一旦你的双胞胎会走路,保证他们的安全便成了最大的事。Are the twins the same sex?这对双胞胎是同性的吗?I could see no dissimilarity between the twins.我看不出这对双胞胎有什么不一样的地方。The twins are so alike I can never tell which is which.这对双胞胎长得如此相像,我怎么也分不清哪个是哪个。As a matter of fact, the twins were played by one person.事实上,这对双胞胎是由一个人扮演的。I felt wrung out by my latest encounter with the twins and by the various convulsions in their lives.最近我和这对双胞胎的邂逅以及他们生活中的种种突然变故把我弄得疲惫不堪。They are identical twins and it's impossible to tell them apart.他们是同卵双胞胎,根本分不出谁是谁。The twins look very much alike.这对双胞胎看上去非常相像。The nice distinction in appearance between the twins did not escape him.这对双胞胎外貌上的细微差异没有逃过他的注意。The twins are like two peas in a pod.那对双胞胎长得极像。Jack and Bill are twins, but the former is taller than the latter.杰克和比尔是双胞胎,但前者比后者个子高。He's counting on his mother to take care of the twins for him; she's had plenty of experience with them.他靠母亲帮忙照顾他的双胞胎;她在这方面很有经验。The twins were separated at birth and brought up in entirely different environments.这对双胞胎一生下来就被分开了,并且在完全不同的生活环境中被抚养大。The two countries are often regarded as economic twins.这两个国家经常被认为经济情况如出一辙。They are identical twins.他们是同卵双胞胎。The twins were born prematurely.这对双胞胎是早产儿。I'm always muddling the twins up.这一对双胞胎我老是分不清。




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