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词汇 名片
例句 Here's my card. You know where to find me.这是我的名片。你知道哪里能找到我。They also left a card, imprinted with the name Sean Lynch.他们还留下了一张名片,上面印着肖恩·林奇的名字。Here's my card. You may need me.这是我的名片,你也许会用得到我。My name's Adam Carver. Here's my card.我叫亚当·卡弗,这是我的名片Here's my card if you need any help.请留下我的名片,以备不时之需。He flipped his visiting card onto the table.他随手把名片丢在桌子上。They traded cards.他们交换了名片My email address is on my business card.我的电子邮件地址在名片上。Claude gave me a slim gold box for holding my business cards.克劳德给我一个薄薄的金盒子来装我的名片Let me give you my card.我给你一张我的名片She reached into her bag and produced a business card.她伸手从包里取出一张名片The guest didn't leave any message, but here's her card.来客没留什么话,不过留下了她的名片He turned up the visiting card that lay face downwards on the tray.他把托盘上覆着的来客名片翻了过来。She handed me a business card with her name neatly embossed on it.她递给我一张名片,上面简洁地凸印着她的名字。He removed a card from his pocket and handed it to her.他从口袋里取出一张名片交给她。The attack was a taunting calling card from the terrorists.这次攻击不啻是恐怖分子投下的一张嘲弄当局的名片Let me give you my card. 给您我的名片The young actor's bright smile is his calling card.那位青年演员灿烂的笑容就是他的名片I just want to talk to him. Here is my card.我只是想跟他谈谈。这是我的名片He was handing out cheaply printed business cards.他在分发便宜印制的名片




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