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词汇 名演员
例句 I wanted to be an actress but the furthest I ever got was selling popcorn in a theatre.我想成为一名演员,但我最大限度也只是在剧院里卖爆米花。An avid Whovian, the actor was thrilled to be offered a part in the show.名演员,同时也是《神秘博士》的剧迷,得到了出演剧中角色的机会,欣喜若狂。The actor starred in a blockbuster last year.名演员去年主演了一部很成功的电影。Newspaper reporters waylaid the famous actor and asked him many questions.报纸记者拦住了那位名演员并向他提出许多问题。The fans pressed forward to see the famous actor.追星者们挤上前去看那位名演员The actor gave a stiff and mechanical performance.名演员的表演僵硬而呆板。She decided to become an actress after getting her first taste of fame in a local theatre production.在一次地方剧院的演出中,她初次尝到了成名的滋味,之后她就决定当一名演员The actor is promoting his latest film.名演员正在宣传他最新的影片。The famous actor now lives in seclusion.这位名演员现已退隐。The actor camped up the joke in the film version.电影版里,这名演员耍宝般表演了那则笑话。After years of struggling as an unknown actor, he has finally found his/a place in the sun.一位无名演员奋斗多年之后,终于攀上了理想的高峰。The actor's fans mobbed him wherever he went.名演员不论到哪里,都会被粉丝团团围住。There are whispers that the actor was seen checking into a hospital last week.有传言说上周有人看见那名演员住进了医院。The actor performed an ensemble piece.名演员承担了整场演出。To survive as an actor you need more than one string to your bow.作为一名演员如果要生存就必须要多才多艺。He has had a lifelong dream of becoming an actor.他毕生的理想就是成为一名演员I had never thought of becoming an actor.我从未考虑过要当一名演员She's an actress whose inner life has remained mysterious, despite the many interviews she has given.作为一名演员,她虽然接受过多次采访,但私生活依然很神秘。Have you always had a hankering to be an actress?你是否一直渴望成为一名演员The actor was mobbed by fans wherever he went.名演员不论到哪里,都会被粉丝团团围住。The actor has received death threats since appearing in the controversial movie.名演员自从出演了那部有争议的电影后就不断遭到死亡恐吓。The actor's high profile helped promote the movie.名演员的高知名度有助于电影的宣传。The actor made a shameless plug for his movie.名演员厚颜无耻地为他的电影大肆宣传。His wife is also an actor.他的妻子也是一名演员You must have belief in yourself if you want to make it as an actor.如果你要成为名演员,就一定要相信自己。As an actor he could communicate a whole range of emotions.作为一名演员,他能表达各种情感。She has her limitations as an actress.作为一名演员,她有自身的局限。She's engaged to an actor.她和一名演员订了婚。He is an actor in the reality show.他是真人秀里的一名演员Wright's elder sister is also an actor.赖特的姐姐也是一名演员That movie was the making of her as an actress. 那部电影让她成了名演员She'd rather be remembered as an actress than a model.她宁愿是个名演员而不是名模。One of the actors was unwell and couldn't go on with the performance.其中一名演员身体不适,不能继续演出。The actor was involved in a real-life drama when he was held up at gunpoint last night.名演员遭遇了现实生活中的一个戏剧性事件 - 他昨晚在枪口威胁下被抢劫。She's in love with the idea of becoming an actress.她特别想成为一名演员Being an actor isn't easy, but I've learnt to roll with the punches.当一名演员不是件容易的事,但我已经学会了处变不惊。The two actors perform well together on screen. 这两名演员在电影里搭档演出,效果很好。My roommate, whose sister is an actress, gets lots of requests for autographs.我的室友,她姐姐是名演员,经常被索要签名。The actor performed all the stunts himself.名演员所有的特技动作都是自己完成的。The actor was uncomfortable with his nakedness. 名演员光着身子感到很不自在。




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