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词汇 canoe
例句 Chet tore off his shirt and used it to plug the hole in the canoe.切特从衬衫上扯下一块布用来堵住独木舟的洞。As the bow neared shore, the canoe suddenly touched bottom.船头靠近岸边的时候,独木舟突然搁浅了。His canoe was there, on the river below the rapids.他的独木舟在险滩下面的河水中。We paddled furiously against the waves cresting over the bow of our canoe.我们顶着船头翻涌的巨浪拼命划着独木舟。We attempted to manoeuvre the canoe closer to him.我们试图把独木舟划到他跟前。We used a bucket to bail water out of the canoe. = We used a bucket to bail out the canoe.我们用桶从独木舟里往外舀水。He paddled the canoe handily.他十分熟练地用桨划独木舟。His children loved to paddle a canoe through the waters.他的孩子喜欢在水上划独木舟。We mounted the canoe onto the car's roof rack.我们把独木舟安放在小汽车的车顶行李架上。They lashed the canoe to the top of the car.他们把划艇绑在汽车顶部。The canoe will right itself if it capsizes.独木舟如果翻了,会自己正过来。The canoe got off balance and turned over.独木舟失去平衡翻了。They hollowed the log to make a canoe.他们挖空原木,做了一条独木舟。We crossed the lake by canoe.我们乘独木舟过湖。He was shooting the rapids when his canoe capsized.在玩激流划艇时他的独木舟翻了。He paddled us to shore in his canoe.他划着独木舟把我们送到岸边。The canoe capsized upstream of the dam.小舟在水坝的上游翻船了。We used a bucket to bale water out of the canoe. = We used a bucket to bale out the canoe.我们用桶把独木舟里的水舀出去。I finally managed to right the canoe.我终于把独木舟翻正了。They paddled down the river in a two-man canoe.他们划着一只双人独木舟顺河而下。We paddled our canoe across the lake this morning.今天早上我们划独木舟穿过了湖面。He feels he has been left to paddle his own canoe.他感到自己被撇下,只能自力更生。The marsh was navigable only by canoe.只有独木舟才能在这片湿地航行。I paddled the canoe up the river.我沿着小河划独木舟。This canoe does not shake out easily.这划子不容易往外晃水。We righted the canoe and were able to paddle back to shore.我们把独木舟摆正,这样我们就能划回岸边了。She and her husband paddled a canoe down the Mississippi.她和丈夫划着独木舟沿密西西比河顺流而下。She dragged the canoe down to the water.她把独木舟拉到水边。The canoe suddenly capsized.独木舟突然倾覆了。He lifted the end of the canoe, nodding to me to take up mine.他一边抬起独木舟的一端,一边扬头示意我抬起我这端。He hewed a canoe out of a tree trunk.他把一根树干凿成独木舟。He taught us how to paddle a canoe.他教我们如何用桨划独木舟。It took us nearly two days to canoe down the river.我们乘独木舟顺流而下用了近两天的时间。The canoe swung around sharply.独木舟猛然掉头。We beached the canoe, running it right up the bank.我们将独木舟径直划到岸边,并拖上岸。The canoe glided out through the shelter of the bank.独木舟从岸旁的遮蔽处滑行而出。They were fooling around and accidentally capsized the canoe.他们游来荡去,一不小心弄翻了独木舟。We were paddling our canoe and putting all the beef we could behind it.我们拼命划着独木舟,把吃奶的力气都使出来了。We paddled across the lake in our canoe this morning.今天早上我们划独木舟穿过了湖面。Let's fingerprint the canoe, see if we come up with anything.让我们提取一下独木舟上的指纹,看看能不能有什么发现。




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