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词汇 make money
例句 First, we have to suppose that she was out to make money.首先,我们得假定她抛头露面是为了赚钱。They catch at every opportunity to make money.他们抓住一切机会来赚钱。He's the kind of person who'd sooner help people than make money out of them.他属于宁愿帮助别人而不肯赚他们钱的那种人。There is conflict between Nat's religious orthodoxy and Rube's belief that his mission is to make money.纳特的正统宗教信仰和鲁布金钱至上的人生信条存在冲突。Inner-city kids often join gangs for protection, and for the chance to make money by selling drugs.旧城区的孩子经常加入团伙寻求保护,以及寻找出售毒品挣钱的机会。According to his biographers, he had a lifelong ambition to make money.据他的传记作者说,他一生的理想就是赚钱。The Bay Area is full of entrepreneurs hoping to make money on the Internet.海湾区域有许多满怀希望要靠互联网发财的创业者。Opponents claim that the humanitarian goals of the project are just a fig leaf, and that its real purpose is to make money.反对者声称,这个项目的人道主义目标只是一块遮羞布而已,其真实目的就是赚钱。They cast about for new ways to make money on the farm.他们到处寻找在农场赚钱的新方法They make money by speculating on the currency markets.他们通过在货币市场投机赚钱。I think every business's goal is to make money.我认为各家公司的目的都是赚钱。He's always looking for ways to make money.他不停地寻找挣钱的法子。They couldn't find work or make money in the cities.他们在城市找不到工作,也赚不到钱。He stops at nothing to make money for himself.他不顾一切地拼命赚钱。Newspapers also make money from selling advertising space.报纸也从出售广告版面中赚钱。She knew she could make money on the deal. = She knew there was money to be made from/on the deal.她知道这笔交易能赚钱。They've come up with some creative new ways to make money.他们想出了一些有创意的赚钱新方法。The insurance companies are in business to make money, not waste it.保险公司做生意是为了赚钱而非浪费金钱。It's a guaranteed way to make money.这保准能赚钱。It afforded an excellent opportunity to make money.这提供了赚钱的大好机会。In spare moments he applied his mind to how rockets could be used to make money.在业余时间他潜心研究如何能用火箭来赚钱。People thought they were all crazy to try to make money from manufacturing.人们认为他们简直是太蠢了,竟然想从制造业中赚钱。If Arthur was attracted here by the prospects of therapy, John came down purely and simply to make money.如果阿瑟是被这种疗法的前景吸引到此,那么约翰则纯粹是为了赚钱而来。He will stick at nothing to make money.为了赚钱,他会不择手段。I write for fun, not because I expect to make money.我写作只是为了其中的乐趣,不是为了赚钱。Cynics say that Christmas is nothing more than a way for stores to make money.愤世嫉俗者说圣诞节不过是为商店提供赚钱的机会而已。It may be a very easy way to make money, but that doesn't make it right.这可能是个很轻松的赚钱方法,但并不等于是正当的。Money makes money. To put it another way, the more you invest, the greater your potential profit will be.钱能生钱。换句话说,投资越大,赢利越多。The purpose of conducting a business is to make money.做生意的目的是赚钱。She insists that she isn't podcasting to make money.她坚称她录制播客并非为了挣钱。The entrepreneur boasted that he could make money out of anything, even pebbles in the beach.那个企业家吹嘘说,他能靠任何东西赚钱,甚至是沙滩上的卵石。Their primary objective is to make money.他们的主要目标是赚钱。




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