例句 |
All he'll eat is chips.他只吃炸薯条。I was craving french fries, so I pulled into the nearest fast-food restaurant.我很想吃炸薯条,所以我在最近的一家快餐店把车停了下来。I never cook anything grand-we live on chips and baked beans.我从来不做什么像样的饭菜 - 我们靠吃炸薯条和烘豆过日子。I had/felt a sudden craving for french fries, so I pulled into the nearest fast-food restaurant.我突然很想吃炸薯条,所以我在最近的一家快餐店把车停了下来。We ate chips every night, but hardly ever had fish.我们每晚吃炸薯条,但几乎从不吃鱼。You didn't use to eat chips when you were younger.你早几年不吃炸薯条的。 |