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词汇 司法
例句 Matters of justice are of great consequence.司法问题举足轻重。She was convicted of perverting justice for lying to the police.她因对警方撒谎,被判妨碍司法罪。Their case is a sad comment on the current state of the justice system.他们的案子说明司法体制的现状很糟糕。She then became a crime reporter with a national newspaper.她后来成了一家全国性报纸的司法记者。People are calling for steps to reform the juvenile justice system, including streamlining the process of prosecuting young offenders.人们在呼吁采取措施改革青少年司法体系,包括简化起诉少年犯的程序。Most of the complaints centered on the inequality of the justice system.大多数投诉都集中在司法体系的不公正。Bias against women permeates every level of the judicial system.对女性的偏见遍布司法体系的各个层级。It's crazy to have an expensive, elaborate judicial system handling parking tickets and minor traffic violations.让费钱、复杂的司法体系去处理违章停车罚款和轻微交通违章真是愚蠢。It is a crime for the President to obstruct justice.总统阻挠司法是犯罪。Many Britons will still fear the potentially ruinous costs of their legal system.很多英国人仍然会对其司法体系可能产生的高昂费用表示担忧。Some of these legal cases are enormously expensive.这些司法案件中有些花费是非常大的。A federal marshal was killed in a shoot-out.一名联邦司法区执法官在枪战中身亡。The present system is a mockery of justice.现存体制是对司法的嘲讽。Not allowing her to speak in her own defence was a travesty of justice.不允许她为自己辩护是对司法的嘲弄。Jensen called the verdict a travesty of justice.詹森称该判决是对司法的曲解。Many Americans think their legal system has gone haywire.很多美国人认为他们的司法体系已经乱套了。They were planning to send in the bailiffs unless Gosling paid the rent he owed.他们打算派郡副司法长官去没收财产,除非戈斯林交付所欠的租金。Many people do not believe that justice has been served/done in his case. 很多人都认为在他的这起案件中司法不公。Delay is endemic to the criminal justice system.拖延在刑事司法体系里普遍存在。It is only one of the absurd rules in the system of law laughingly known as British justice.这只是被冠冕堂皇地称作英国司法的法律体系中荒唐的法律规定之一。The trial was meant as an advertisement for British justice.这场审判意在为英国司法作宣传。Our legal system inherited laws from the English system.我们的司法体系沿袭了英国的法律体系。Unfounded lawsuits are clogging the court system.没有根据的诉讼案正妨碍着司法体系的正常运转。As the killings took place outside British jurisdiction, the Ministry of Defence could not be held liable.谋杀案发生在英国司法管辖范围外,故国防部无须对其负责。Using his daughter's case as a jumping-off point, he described a justice system that ignores the rights of the victim.他从他女儿的事情说起,描述了无视受害者权利的司法体系。The trial became a legal quagmire.这次审判成了一个司法难题。Judicial ethics limit what a judge can say during a trial.司法伦理限制了法官在审判时所能说的话。The criminal justice system is in need of urgent reform to prevent more people being wrongfully imprisoned.刑事司法体制亟须改革,以防止更多人蒙冤入狱。She argued the need for legal reform and instanced several recent cases with grossly unfair verdicts.她极力说明有必要进行司法改革,并引证了最近出现的几起非常不公平的判例。Judge Thurgood Marshall never hesitated to rock the boat, from the beginning of his long legal career.瑟古德·马歇尔法官自司法生涯伊始,那许多年中一直不惮烦,不怕事。Even if the amendment is passed it can be defeated judicially.即使修正案获得通过,也有可能通过司法途径被废除。He was appointed Sheriff of New York.他被任命为纽约司法长官。He is being charged with obstruction of justice for lying to investigators.他因对侦查人员说谎而被控妨碍司法It is misleading to see the legal system as a monolith.认为司法体制庞大而僵化是误导人的。It would appear that the legal profession is the nearest thing to a recession-proof industry.司法行业看来是最不易受经济萧条影响的领域了。Restorative justice can only work when all parties agree.只有各方都同意的时候恢复性司法才起作用。The Senate Judiciary Committee is expected to vote momentarily on his nomination to the Supreme Court.参议院司法委员会有望很快就提名他进入最高法院进行投票。The Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary branches together make up the US government.行政、立法和司法三个部门一起构成美国政府。The complexity and costliness of the judicial system militate against justice for the individual.司法体制的复杂性及高昂的费用不利于实现个体的公正。The justice system lacks impartiality, by democratic standards.以民主的标准来看,司法体系缺乏公正性。




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