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词汇 breathe
例句 I can breathe a sigh of relief now that she's safe.既然她安全了,我可以松口气了。The atmosphere in the room was so stuffy I could hardly breathe.房间里空气污浊,我都快喘不过气来了。Don't breathe a word of it to him.对他只字别提这事。Red wines should be allowed to 'breathe' if possible before drinking.如果可能的话,在饮用红酒前应该先开瓶透透气。Everyone felt able to breathe more freely after he had left the room.他离开房间后,大家都觉得松了口气。It's harder to breathe at altitude.在高海拔地区呼吸更加困难。He hardly dared breathe in case they heard him.他几乎不敢呼吸,唯恐他们听到他的声音。I want you to breathe deeply and relax.我要你深呼吸并放松。Our aim is to breathe new life into these ancient institutions.我们的目标是给这些古老的机构注入新生命。Open the bottle and leave it on the counter; the wine will need time to breathe.把瓶子打开,在柜上放一会,这酒需要时间通气才散发醇香。I can't breathe this dirty city air.我无法呼吸城里这污浊的空气。I can breathe easily now that the boss is no longer breathing down my neck.老板现在不再紧盯着我了,我可以松口气了。I hardly dared to breathe.我几乎不敢呼吸。Relax and breathe deeply.放松,深呼吸。He was finding it painful to breathe.他发现呼吸的时候会痛。It is the readers who breathe life into a newspaper with their letters.是读者通过来信给报纸带来了生气。Don't breathe a word of/about this to anyone! 不要向任何人透露此事!People nowadays are becoming more and more concerned about the quality of the air they breathe.人们现在愈来愈关心他们呼吸的空气的质量。I don't want to breathe other people's smoke.我不想吸入别人吐出的烟。Stop your questions, and give me a chance to breathe.你别提问题了,给我个机会歇口气。We had barely stopped to breathe before we were on the go again.我们刚停下歇口气,又得出发了。It chokes up and scars their lungs so they can't breathe.这堵住了他们的肺部,还留下疤痕,令他们无法呼吸。The wine should be left to breathe a little before being brought to the table.葡萄酒在拿上餐桌之前应该先打开瓶盖通通气。He wants to live where he can breathe clean/fresh air.他想住在一个能呼吸到干净/清新空气的地方。His poems breathe sentimentality.他的诗歌流露多愁善感的情调。You will never enter this house, as I live and breathe!只要我还有口气,就不准你进我家的门! That pace will soon breathe you.按那种步速赶路,一会儿你就将气喘吁吁。I can't breathe!我呼吸困难!We need some new people to breathe life into this project.我们需要一些新人来给这个项目注入活力。It's so airless in here - I can hardly breathe.这里太闷了——我几乎不能呼吸。I'll breathe easier once this whole ordeal is over.所有考验都结束时我才能松口气。He stood stock-still, hardly daring to breathe.他一动不动地站着,几乎不敢呼吸。Don't breathe a word to anyone about what I've told you!不要对任何人透露我对你说的话!He held her so tightly she could hardly breathe.他紧紧地抱住她,使她几乎透不过气来。They tax the very air you breathe.他们就连你呼吸的空气也要课税。It's difficult to breathe in the rare air at these heights.在这些高地,空气稀薄,呼吸困难。She was beginning to breathe more easily.她的呼吸开始顺畅了些。The doctor told the patient to lie still and breathe out.医生让病人躺着别动,并作呼气动作。A director must breathe confidence into the actors.导演应为演员注入信心。Let's make a bargain. I'll tell you what you want to know provided you don't breathe a word of it to anyone else.我们就这样讲定吧,如果你不向别人透露一个字,我就把你想知道的事告诉你。




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