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例句 You can get free dental treatment.可以得到免费的牙齿治疗。If your grandfather left any money, you will get your share.如果你祖父留下什么钱的话,你可以得到你的那一份。You can get all the latest information with the touch of a button.只要按一下按钮,你就可以得到所有最新信息。The first person to solve the riddle wins a candy bar.第一个猜得谜底的人可以得到一个糖棒。The differences between our two cultures can be bridged if we continue to communicate.如果保持沟通,我们两种文化之间的分歧可以得到消除。Unemployment insurance means that you are partially protected if you lose your job.失业保险意味着你失业的时候可以得到部分保障。We are now hoping for a peaceable end to this dispute.我们希望这次争端最终可以得到和解。Michael did imply that I could have the job if I wanted it.迈克尔确实暗示过,我要是想要这个工作,就可以得到Every time you use your store card, you get air miles.每次使用赊账卡都可以得到飞行里程数。The book is accessible to the interested reader with basic knowledge of the subject.对这个主题有兴趣且略知一二的读者可以得到这本书。Immigrants are provided with sites on which to build their own houses.移民可以得到提供的地皮建造自己的房子。The advantage of walking to work is that I get some exercise.步行去上班的好处是我可以得到一些锻炼。He prayed that his sight might be restored.他祈求自己的视力可以得到恢复。Power can be used creatively or destructively.权力可以得到创造性的运用,也可以带来毁灭性的结果。The service is available to all existing customers.现有的客户全都可以得到这项服务。Their talents might be exploited to the full.他们的才能可以得到充分的利用。Thieves can sell stolen passports for a lot of money.小偷把偷来的护照卖掉可以得到不少钱。You're entitled to a full refund if you change your mind.如果你改主意了,你可以得到全额退款。I could obtain with the snap of my fingers anything I chose.我不费吹灰之力就可以得到我看中的任何东西。We found a place where we could get a little lee.我们找到一个可以得到点儿庇荫的地方。Someone who could talk sense would get my vote, but most politicians don't.讲话有道理的人可以得到我的选票,可是大多数政客都讲不出有道理的话来。Politicians insist that there are plenty of jobs and that anyone can get one if they really try.政治家坚持说有许多就业机会,只要认真去试,任何人都可以得到一份工作。When you retire you'll get a lump sum of £80,000.你退休的时候,一次性可以得到八万英镑。This tangibly demonstrated that the world situation could be improved.这清楚地表明世界局势可以得到改善。These problems could be fruitfully addressed.这些问题可以得到有效的解决。Our clients are assured of comfortable accommodation and the attention of our trained staff.我们的客户保证可以得到舒适的住宿,以及训练有素的员工所提供的周到服务。You can take some comfort in the fact that you did your best.你已经尽了最大的努力,从这一点你可以得到些安慰。Whether these changes stem from global warming is a question that should be answerable within this decade.这些变化是否源于全球变暖,这个问题在十年内应该可以得到回答。You can get special help if somebody's disabled.残疾人可以得到特殊的帮助。Financial assistance is available for those who qualify.符合条件的人可以得到经济援助。I don't care whether I get it or not.我不在乎是否可以得到它。These clinics offer a one-stop service where patients can receive immediate treatment and even minor operations.这些诊所提供一站式服务,病人在这里可以得到及时治疗,甚至接受小型手术。Workers are given a compensatory day off when a national holiday falls on a weekend.如果法定假日赶上周末,工人可以得到一天补休。Some supplementary finance is available in the form of grants or loans.可以得到以补助金或贷款形式提供的某种补充资助。Your travel insurance compensates you for flight delays.如果飞机晚点,你将可以得到旅行保险的补偿。Sweden allows gay partners to receive many of the benefits awarded to heterosexual married couples.瑞典允许同性恋伴侣享受异性夫妻可以得到的许多福利。




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