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I had just moved to the city and didn't have a pot to piss in.我刚搬到城里,穷得叮当响。She jingled her car keys.她把车钥匙弄得叮当响。He jingled his keys.他把钥匙弄得叮当响。Don't clatter the dishes - you'll wake the baby up.别把碗碟碰得叮当响——会把宝宝吵醒的。They might not have two cents to rub together, but at least they have a kind of lifestyle that is different.他们也许穷得叮当响,但他们至少拥有一种不同的生活方式。She jingled the coins in her pocket.她把兜里的硬币弄得叮当响。Spoons clinked against the crockery.调羹和碗碟碰得叮当响。Any help we can offer them will be appreciated. They don't have a pot to piss in.他们会非常感谢我们提供的任何帮助,他们穷得实在是叮当响!He jangled his keys loudly outside the door.他在门外把钥匙弄得叮当响。When I was growing up, my family was dirt-poor.我成长的时候家里穷得叮当响。Can you lend me some money to tide me over? I'm a bit skint at the moment.你能借点钱给我渡难关吗?我眼下穷得叮当响。She rattled the jar with the coins in it. = She rattled the coins in the jar.她把罐子里的钱币摇得叮当响。When we first got married, we were as poor as church mice.我们刚结婚时穷得叮当响。The bells clanged.铃铛叮当响了。 |