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词汇 monopoly
例句 The government is determined to protect its tobacco monopoly.政府下决心保护其烟草专卖权。Had he succeeded, he would have acquired a monopoly.要是他当时成功了,他就会取得垄断地位。The monopoly capitalists grew fat on the war.那些垄断资本家靠战争发了财。The company is a state-owned monopoly.该公司是一个国有的垄断企业。They will fight to maintain their monopoly over local bus services.他们会拼命维护在当地公交行业的垄断地位。Within a few years, the company had a virtual monopoly over all trade with India.不到几年时间,该公司实际上已经垄断了与印度的所有贸易往来。Newsagents currently have a monopoly over the distribution system.当前,报刊经销商拥有分销体系的垄断权。The company had created a virtual monopoly.这家公司已形成了一种实质上的垄断。Genuine competition was introduced by the abolition of the solicitors' monopoly on conveyancing.通过废除律师对产权转让的垄断权,引入了真正的竞争。It was not easy to persuade the monarchy to let go of its monopoly of power.很难说服君主放弃对权力的垄断。Water is a natural monopoly.供水是自然垄断行业。One company holds a monopoly of the raw materials.一家公司垄断着原材料。He seems to think he has a monopoly of brains.他似乎认为只有他才算聪明。The partnership was small enough not to constitute a monopoly.这家合伙企业很小,不足以构成垄断企业。Attacks on industrial capital were modulated to attacks on monopoly.对工业资本的抨击调整为对垄断的抨击。The company used its monopoly control to charge exorbitant fees.该公司利用其垄断控制地位收取畸高的费用。The banks have what amounts to a monopoly.银行具有相当于垄断的地位。Russian moves to end a state monopoly on land ownership.俄罗斯采取的终止国家垄断土地所有权的措施。The company has a virtual monopoly in world markets.这家公司实际上垄断着国际市场。He seems to think he has a monopoly on the truth. 他似乎认为只有他知道实情。He applied for, and won, an exclusive monopoly patent on the seed.他申请并赢得了对种子的独有专卖权。Doctors don't have a monopoly on morality.并不是只有医生才有道德准则。The tax would be a big disincentive to expanding its monopoly.这一税项会大大遏制其垄断地位的扩展。Women do not have a monopoly on feelings of betrayal.被出卖的感觉并非只有女性才有。The company was able to exploit its monopoly position.这家公司得以利用其垄断地位。Humans don't have a monopoly on laughter, says Silvia Cardoso.笑并非人类的专利,西尔维亚·卡多佐如是说。They created a monopoly in the export of wool.他们垄断了羊毛出口。Do you think your generation has a monopoly on hard times?你以为只有你们这一代经历过艰难时世吗? The monopoly capitalists are insatiable of profits.垄断资本家对利润是贪得无厌的。The government has a monopoly of oil production in that country.在那个国家,政府独占石油开采权。Their goal was to break the monopoly of the state telecoms corporation.他们的目标是打破国营电信公司的垄断。The influence of mass media has made new technical terms no longer the monopoly of the specialist.大众传媒的影响已使新技术术语不再为专家所垄断。The company lost its monopoly on exporting beer to India.这家公司失去了向印度出口啤酒的专营权。It is not good for consumers if one company has a monopoly in any area of trade.如果一家公司垄断某一行业,对顾客是不利的。The explosion of the Russian atomic bomb broke the American monopoly on nuclear weapons.俄国原子弹的爆炸打破了美国对核武器的垄断。Uranium mining is a state monopoly.铀矿开采是国家垄断的。




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