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词汇 叫声
例句 The bird uses its call to attract the attention of a mate.那种鸟用叫声吸引配偶的注意。We heard a bird that had a very loud and unusual call.我们听到一只鸟发出了响亮而特别的叫声Listen to the jabber of those monkeys.你听那群猴子唧唧喳喳的叫声I woke up to the sound of sparrows chirruping.我醒来时听到麻雀叽叽喳喳的叫声They hooted at the speaker.他们向演讲人发出嘘叫声The mellowness of the cuckoo reported the coming of spring.杜鹃甜美的叫声报告了春天的来临。His ears caught a faint cry.他听到一声微弱的叫声The audience interrupted the candidate's speech with jeers and shouts.听众发出嘲笑声和叫声打断了候选人的演讲。We heard the familiar sound of coyotes in the distance.我们听到远处郊狼熟悉的叫声He was able to make discriminations among/between the birds by their calls. 他能根据叫声区别出不同的鸟。A cry of anger sprang from the crowd.从人群中发出了愤怒的叫声We could hear the plaintive cry of a wounded animal in the woods.我们能听见森林里受伤动物的痛苦叫声He was able to recognize the note of the willow warbler.他能分辨出柳莺的叫声The angry cat arched its back and spat at the dog.发怒的猫弓起背,朝那只狗发出呼噜呼噜的叫声The only thing that distinguishes the dogs is their bark.这些狗的唯一不同在于它们的叫声The twitter of songbirds filled the air.各种鸣禽吱吱啾啾的叫声回响在空中。I was particularly struck by the sound of the birds.鸟的叫声尤其让我印象深刻。I heard the raucous call of the crows.我听到那些乌鸦刺耳的叫声During the mating season, foxes become much more vocal.到了交配季节,狐狸的叫声更频繁了。I shall never forget his roar of anguish on hearing the terrible news.我永远也忘不了他听到这个不幸消息时发出的痛苦叫声He could hear the chatter of birds in the trees overhead.他可以听见鸟儿在头顶的树上叽叽喳喳的叫声Foxes are the only carnivores that scream, and it is a spine chilling sound.狐狸是唯一一种会尖叫的食肉目哺乳动物,其叫声令人毛骨悚然。Naomi would waken to the twitter of birds.娜奥米会被鸟儿吱吱喳喳的叫声唤醒。The seagull ejaculated from time to time.海鸥时时发出凄厉叫声The corridor echoed with the barking of a dozen dogs.十来只狗的叫声在走廊里回响。From somewhere, the kitten mewed.从某个地方传来猫咪喵喵的叫声The songs of the whales carry through the water over long distances.鲸的叫声能在水中传得很远。Frogs make a low noise called a croak.青蛙会发出“呱呱”的低沉叫声All the chicken squawked when that black dog rushed into the coop.当那只黑狗闯进鸡棚时,所有的鸡都发出了咯咯的叫声Sounds emitted by the dolphins were recorded with an underwater microphone.海豚发出的叫声用一个水下麦克风录了下来。I was awakened by the gobbles in the farmyard.我被农家庭院里火鸡的叫声吵醒了。The dog gave a menacing growl.那条狗发出吓人的叫声I heard the squeak of a mouse.我听到一只老鼠吱吱的叫声Donald Trump raised his hand in protest, but his voice was squelched by the angry yells from the crowd.川普举起手来抗议,但他的声音被群众慎怒的叫声压制。Cats' cries have an unearthly quality.猫的叫声令人毛骨悚然。The crows kept up a steady raucous sound.乌鸦不住发出呱呱的叫声They were wakened by cries of "Fire!" from the next room.他们被隔壁房间里传来的“着火了”的叫声惊醒了。The owl's cry cut through the silence in the forest.猫头鹰的叫声划破了森林的寂静。I heard the cawing of a crow.我听到一只乌鸦的叫声The loud cry of the male will attract several females.雄性动物巨大的叫声将吸引来几只雌性动物。




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