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词汇 细小
例句 There were small lines at the corners of her mouth and around her eyes.她的嘴角和眼睛周围有细小的皱纹。Thin tree rings are indicative of slow growth. 树木的年轮细小表示其生长缓慢。He felt tiny bits of grit and sand peppering his knees.他感到有细小的石子和沙粒不断打在膝盖上。Her voice, small and fluting, stopped abruptly.细小但却抑扬顿挫的声音戛然而止。The slightest noise puts him off his stride when he's performing.他表演时再细小的声响也会使他分心。Strong fingers encircled her tiny wrists.强有力的手指箍着她那细小的手腕。I was suddenly aroused by a slight noise.我突然被一个细小的声音惊醒。The scientists have experimented on the tiny neck arteries of rats.科学家们已经在老鼠细小的颈动脉上做了实验。The human remains indicate a gracile people with small teeth.这些人类残骸表明了那是一个长着细小牙齿的瘦小人种。If you ravel out one end of the cloth, you can find the little threads of cotton which are woven together to make your frock.如果把布的一边拆散,你就会看到一条条细小棉线,就是它们织成了做连衣裙的布。Gina has very small neat handwriting.吉娜写的字细小而工整。There were several small cracks in the glass.玻璃上有几条细小的裂纹。The room was vast and empty and every smallest noise we made echoed.房间很大而且空荡荡的,我们发出任何一点细小的声音都会有回声。The painter's art has done little to disguise his piggy eyes and flabby chin.那位画家给他画的肖像几乎没怎么掩饰他那细小的眼睛和松弛的下巴。A trained eye can detect the slightest imperfection.经过训练的眼睛能够找出最细小的瑕疵。I noticed the fine lines around her eyes when she smiled.我注意到她笑起来眼睛周围有细小的皱纹。The oil tank had developed a small crack.油箱出现了一条细小的裂缝。The vase has a few fine cracks, but it is still usable.这个花瓶有些细小的裂纹,但还能用。Sets of tiny buds appeared among the extravagant foliage.茂密的叶丛中出现了一批批细小的蓓蕾。A close inspection revealed minute cracks in the aircraft's fuselage and wings.经过细致的检查,发现飞机的机身和机翼上都有细小的裂缝。He got out his map of Yorkshire and hunched over it to read the small print.他拿出约克郡地图,弓身趴在上面努力看清那些细小的字体。A tiny crack in the tent allowed the bare minimum of light in.帐篷上一个细小的裂缝透进了些微的亮光。Check all radiators for small leaks, especially round pipework connections.检查所有的散热器是否有细小的裂缝,尤其是管道连接处。Little jets of steam spurted from the engine.发动机喷出一股股细小的蒸汽。Only a trickle of water came from the faucet.只有一股细小的水流从龙头上滴淌下来。Luke put out his hand and touched the tiny fingers of his baby daughter.卢克伸出手碰碰他出生不久的女儿细小的手指。The small blood vessels in the nose bleed easily.鼻子里的细小血管很容易出血。She sewed the seam with small neat stitches.她用细小规整的针脚缝好了缝口。Small veins are removed from the leg and used to bypass the blocked up stretch of coronary arteries.从腿部取出一些细小血管,用来对堵塞的冠状动脉进行分流。The stinging nettle has a square stem and little hairs.异株荨麻长有四方茎及细小茸毛。Just over each temple there were little blue veins.就在两鬓太阳穴上面显露著青色的细小静脉。Snowflake ornaments and tiny red ribbons were fastened to the Christmas tree.雪花形饰物及细小的红丝带被系到圣诞树上。The baby held onto my thumb with her tiny fingers.宝宝用她细小的手指紧紧抓住我的大拇指。He has a soul above such trivialities.他有一种超脱这类细小琐事的高尚情操。Any little bit of dirt will mark that fabric.任何细小的灰尘都会在织物上留下痕迹。He was covered with a fine dew of perspiration.他全身布满了细小的汗珠。As my newborn cuddled at my breast, her tiny fingers stroked my skin.我刚出生的宝宝蜷伏在我胸前,细小的手指触碰着我的肌肤。Moisture in the air condenses to form tiny drops of water.空气中的水分凝结成细小的水滴。A baby is sensitive to the slightest nuances in its mother's voice.婴儿对母亲声音上最细小的变化都很敏感。People are sick of macro answers to micro problems.细小具体的问题作空泛而不着边际的解答,对此人们都厌烦了。




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