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That's what we'll do when he gets here. But if he doesn't show up…well, that's a horse of a different color.他来,我们就这么干。但如果他不来,那就另当别论了。I'm willing to help you, but if you're asking for money, that's another thing/matter/story. 我愿意帮你,但如果你要的是钱,那就另当别论了。She didn't mind seeing him in a group but an intimate dinner in a restaurant was another matter altogether.跟大家在一起时见见他,她并不介意,但是在饭店里亲密进餐就另当别论了。Cars are useful, but their impact on the environment is another matter altogether.汽车很有用,但对环境的影响则应另当别论。Murder is in a different league.谋杀就该另当别论了。You have no business going into such places all by yourselves. If your parents take you, of course, that's another matter.你们不该自己去这些地方。不过如果是父母带你们去的,那就另当别论了。You have no business going into such places all by yourselves. If your parents take you, of course, that is another matter.你们可不能独自进到这些地方,但如果有父母带着,那就另当别论了。 |