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We had to take a different route because Bristol Road was up.因为布里斯托尔路正在施工中,我们不得不走另一条路。The road was blocked, so we came back a different way.这条路给堵住了,所以我们走了另一条路回来。The snow forced us to take an alternative route.由于有雪我们不得不走另一条路线。We took an alternative route to avoid the traffic.为避免塞车,我们走了另一条路线。I chose a different route to avoid the inconvenience of going through the town.我选择了另一条路线,以避开穿城而过的不便。I had to take a different route home.我不得不走另一条路回家。His group was forced to turn back and take an alternate route.他的小组被迫返回并选择了另一条路线。Let's take a different way home today.今天我们回家走另一条路吧。We should have gone the other way.我们本应该走另一条路的。They must have returned by another route.他们肯定是从另一条路线回来的。Let's drive back the other way.我们从另一条路开回去吧。She had to take a different route home.她只好走另一条路回家。 |