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词汇 吃醋
例句 It's just like you to be jealous every time I speak to another woman. 你就是这个样子,每次我和别的女人说话,你都吃醋He's been playing the part/role of the jealous husband. 他一直是个爱吃醋的丈夫。My girlfriend gets jealous if I even look at another woman.我即使只看别的女人一眼,我的女友也会吃醋She started flirting with other guys to try to make him jealous.她开始和其他男人眉来眼去,想让他吃醋Corwin has several female friends, and says his wife has never been jealous.科温有几个女性朋友,他说他妻子从不吃醋Holly closed her eyes happily, luxuriating in the knowledge that Tom had been jealous of her.霍莉得知汤姆曾因她吃醋,高兴地闭上了双眼,心底乐开了花。She became very jealous whenever he talked to other women.只要他跟别的女人说话,她就非常吃醋He was in a jealous rage.他正因吃醋而发火。You've no need to be jealous. I only have eyes for you.你没必要吃醋,我只爱你一个人。He was driven crazy with jealousy.他因吃醋变得狂躁起来。Trying to make your boyfriend or girlfriend jealous isn't a good idea.故意让男友或女友吃醋不是什么好主意。I was auditioning for the part of a jealous girlfriend.我试演一个喜欢吃醋的女友角色。




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