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词汇 口袋里
例句 Isabel jerked her hand away from his and shoved it in her pocket.伊莎贝尔将手猛地从他手中抽出来,插进自己的口袋里He stood on the sidewalk with his hands buried in the pockets of his dark overcoat.他站在人行道上,双手插在黑色外套的口袋里He took the glasses off and tucked them in his pocket.他摘下眼镜,塞到了口袋里Every scrap of personal property was removed from his pockets.口袋里所有的私人物品都给一掏而空。He straightened up and slipped his hands in his pockets.他挺直身子,把手插进口袋里In her pocket was a thin leather wallet containing six ten dollar bills.口袋里有一只薄薄的皮夹子,里面有六张十美元的钞票。The security guard made them empty their pockets.保安人员让他们把口袋里的东西全掏出来。The Senate recognized the need to put more money in the pockets of dairy farmers.参议院认识到有必要往奶农们口袋里多放些钱。He fingered the few coins in his pocket.他拨弄着口袋里的几枚硬币。He emptied out the contents of his pockets onto the table.他把口袋里的东西全部倒在桌上。Something was sticking from the pocket of the little man's grimy shorts.小个子男人脏乎乎的短裤口袋里鼓鼓的,伸出来个什么东西。He emptied his pockets of loose change.他把口袋里的零钱全掏出来了。He keeps his wallet in his front pocket.他把钱包放在前面的口袋里Perhaps I left my wallet in my other jacket pocket.也许我把钱包放在另一件夹克衫的口袋里了。His pockets contained a motley collection of coins, movie ticket stubs, and old candies.他的口袋里乱七八糟地放了很多东西,有硬币、电影票票根,还有很久以前的糖果。If I've got money in my pocket, I tend to fritter it away.如果口袋里有点钱,我往往就挥霍一空。He shoved his hands into his pockets.他把双手插进口袋里He delved into his pocket and brought out a notebook.他在自己的口袋里翻找着,拿出一本笔记本来。It finally transpired that she had not a single penny in her pocket.最后得知她的口袋里连一个便士也没有。He pulled a bankroll from his pocket and started counting out the bills.他从衣服口袋里掏出一卷钞票,开始一张一张数起来。A handkerchief protruded from his shirt pocket.他衬衫的口袋里露出了一条手帕。It's Saturday, you're down the high street and you've got a few quid burning a hole in your pocket.周六走在商街上,口袋里有几个钱忍不住想要花掉。The coins chinked lightly in his pocket as he walked along.他走路的时候,口袋里的硬币发出叮当轻响。Her pocket was full of change/coins.她的口袋里装满了零钱/硬币。He clawed oddments out of his pockets.他把口袋里的零星东西掏出来。Knowing Sumi, my note's probably still in her pocket.我了解舒米,我的字条很可能还在她的口袋里Sarah put her maps in the outside pocket of her rucksack.萨拉把地图放在帆布背包外面的口袋里My wallet was in the back pocket of my jeans.我的钱夹在牛仔裤后面的口袋里He kept a watch in his breast pocket.他在胸前口袋里放着一只表。This calculator will fit nicely/neatly in your shirt pocket.这个计算器放在你的衬衣口袋里大小刚刚好。He dug into his coat pocket for his keys.他把手伸进上衣口袋里摸钥匙。They caught him with the goods in his pocket.他们抓住他时,赃物在他口袋里The contents of his pockets were itemized and confiscated.口袋里的东西经一一登录后全部被没收了。His pockets were bulging with candy.他的口袋里鼓鼓囊囊塞满了糖。He had a flask of Scotch in his pocket.他的口袋里装着一瓶苏格兰威士忌。Carson returned the notebook to his pocket.卡森把笔记本放回口袋里Jack pulled the slip of paper from his shirt pocket.杰克从衬衣口袋里拿出了纸条。He found a coin in his pocket and slipped it into her collecting tin.他摸到口袋里有一枚硬币,便匆匆丢进她的讨钱罐。The coins in his pocket jingled as he walked.他行走时口袋里的硬币叮当作响。Pete jammed his hands into his pockets.皮特使劲把手插进口袋里




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