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The debate could open up sharp differences between the countries.辩论可能会使两国之间的尖锐分歧公开化。The country's lack of openess was used as a stick to beat it with.这个国家在公开化上的欠缺经常被人当作把柄。By mid-season the hostility between the two was undisguised.到了赛季中期,两人之间的敌对情绪已经公开化了。He brought the question plumb into the open.他一下子把那个问题公开化了。The struggles soon came into the open.斗争不久就公开化了。Recent developments in the area have brought latent ethnic tension out into the open.近来该地区的一些新情况导致民族之间潜在的紧张关系公开化了。 |