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词汇 粗略
例句 She only skimmed through/over the reading assignment.她只是把阅读作业粗略读了一遍。At a rough estimate, there were still a thousand in front of us.粗略估算一下,我们前面还有一千人。This is the virus in very crude simple diagrammatic form.这是非常粗略简单的图式病毒形态。This is only a loose translation of the original paper.这不过是对原文件粗略的翻译。I've just sketched out a rough proposal; we can add details later.我刚刚所讲的只是个粗略的提议;我们等会儿可以加入些详细的内容。Take a glimpse into the future of space travel.粗略展望一下太空旅行的前景。I've knocked out a first draft of the report that we can amend at a later date.我已粗略写好了报告的第一稿,日后我们可作修改。The Western media give it only passing attention.西方传媒只对此事作了粗略的报道。He only managed to give the police a few sketchy details of the robbery.他只能向警方提供抢劫的一些粗略细节。He roughly crumbled the cheese into a bowl.他把干酪粗略弄碎,装入一只碗内。I will outline in broad strokes our main ideas.我将粗略概述一下我们的主要观点。This chapter gives a broad overview of the main concerns facing employers.这一章节对雇主最为关心的事作了粗略的概述。A cursory examination did not reveal any problems.粗略的检查没有发现任何问题。He took an informal poll/survey among his coworkers.他在同事中做了一次粗略的民意测验/调查。The general chalked out his plan of attack.将军对进攻计划作了粗略的介绍。The structure of modern news story is suited to the skimmer.现代新闻报道的结构适合那种蜻蜓点水般粗略阅读的人。They have taken several routes to arrive at admittedly broadbrush estimates.他们通过多种途径才作出这些诚然是粗略的估计。Even a rough calculation shows that you have spent too much.即使是粗略计算,你花销也太大。We do not have the true figures so we will have to make some approximations.我们没有确切的数字,因此只能作些粗略的估计。I know the plan is pretty rough, but you get the idea.我知道这计划很粗略,但你明白其中的想法。We need to define a broad strategy for future development.我们需要为将来的发展确立一个粗略的战略。It would be very unwise to change our policy on the basis of such a sketchy report.凭着这么一份粗略的报告就来改变我们的策略,那是十分不明智的。Here are my calculations. They're a little rough and ready as yet, but you'll get a general idea.这是我的计算结果,虽然目前还有点粗略,但你可以大概了解一下。I think I have a vague understanding of how it works.对于它是如何运行的,我认为自己只有一个粗略的了解。We were only able to make a rough estimate of how much fuel would be required.我们只能对所需燃料作一个粗略的估计。I've got a rough estimate here of what it might cost.这个要多少钱,我这里有个粗略的估计。The book is a broad-brush treatment of the subject.这本书对这个主题进行了粗略的探讨。The two leaders have reached an outline agreement on controlling short range nuclear weapons.那两位领导人在短程核武器的限制上已经达成一个粗略的协议。She only skimmed the reading assignment.她只是把阅读作业粗略读了一遍。The prices were very roughly calculated - it looked as though he'd done them on the back of an envelope.计算出的价格不很精确——看上去似乎他只是粗略算了一下。We can only give rough estimates.我们只能进行粗略的估算。This proposal represents a rough estimate of the cost of materials and labor.这一计划提出材料费和人工费的粗略估算。One strut had fractured and been crudely repaired in several places.一根撑木出现了裂痕,有几处已进行了粗略的修补。We've drawn up a rough plan but we haven't worked out all the costs.我们已经起草了一个粗略的方案,但各项费用还没有算出来。These are the figures, but they're only a rough estimate.就是这些数据,不过只是个粗略的估计。




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