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例句 Becoming a millionaire didn't mean an end to his money worries.成了百万富翁并没有使他从此不再为钱的事操心。Here is where the trouble starts.麻烦从此开始了。The prince saved the queen and they all lived happily ever after.王子救了女王,从此他们过上了幸福的生活。We just clicked, and we've been friends ever since.我们一见如故,从此就成了朋友。The slave escaped and became a free man.那个奴隶逃走了,从此变成了自由人。I'm going to get you back so badly you'll never to be able to show your face again.我要狠狠地还以颜色,让你从此无脸见人。Tomorrow we shall part and, I fear, never see each other again.明天,我们就将分离,我担心从此我们将再也见不到彼此。She has since parted ways with the organization.从此就和这个组织脱离了关系。The death of his wife was a terrible/shattering blow from which he never really recovered.他妻子的离世对他是极大的打击,从此他一蹶不振。She rose to fame when she won the first prize at Warsaw's Frederic Chopin International Piano Competition.她在华沙肖邦国际钢琴大赛中获一等奖,从此声名鹊起。I returned home to the UK and have since worked as a solicitor.我回到英国的家乡,从此就一直当初级律师。He was so disgusted by the election results that he swore off politics for good.他对选举结果十分不满,发誓从此不问政治。We went from hence to Paris.我们从此地出发去巴黎。His life was never the same after he discovered sailing. 他发现航海的乐趣之后,生活从此变了样。The family arguments finally caused a rift between the mother and daughter that has not yet healed.家庭争吵最终在母女间导致了嫌隙,从此再也未曾弥合。The couple lived happily ever after, to coin a phrase.还是那句老话,这对夫妇从此过上了幸福生活。From here on, it can only get better.从此,情况只会越来越好。The company has since gone out of existence. 这家公司从此不复存在。The worst is over – it's all downhill from here.最困难的已经过去 — 从此一切都容易了。The area beyond is taboo, still alive with explosives.从此往前禁止通行,因为尚有爆炸物未排除。It has been rough sledding for him ever since.从此他日子难过。If somebody squeaked, he was quickly smothered and gagged.如果有人告密,马上就被扼杀,从此堵上嘴巴。Foreigners were henceforth to be encouraged to come and live in Spain.外国人从此被鼓励来西班牙定居。He would not let neighbours shame him into silence.邻居们试图想让他自感羞愧而从此闭口,他是不会乖乖就范的。It remains to be seen how many senior citizens will actually benefit from this new plan.到底有多少老年人实际上会从此新方案中受益还不知道。It's a bit less than a mile from here to the station.从此地到车站差一点才足一英里。I suppose they'll get married and live happily ever after.我想他们要结婚了,从此过上幸福的生活。A little later I left that place and never set foot in Texas again.之后没多久我离开了那个地方,从此再也没有回过得克萨斯。He has since fleshed out his story.从此使自己的故事更加丰满。Woods disappeared in very bizarre circumstances, and no trace of him has ever been found.伍兹莫名其妙地失踪了,从此下落不明。This pitched him into the political arena.这使他从此走上了政治舞台。New business growth may flatten from here on.从此,新的业务增长可能会平缓下来。The movie flopped and Laughton never got the chance to direct again.影片失败了,劳顿从此再也没有得到导演的机会。This book is a watershed and nothing will be the same after this.这本书是一个转折点,从此一切将大不相同。After he won the competition, his whole family lived in clover for the rest of their lives.他赢得比赛后,他全家从此过著优裕的日子。He died, and every day since then I have grieved for him.他死了,从此我没有一天不在悲痛。Their map has since been superseded by photographic atlases.他们的地图从此就被摄影图册取代了。I totaled my car in a blizzard once, and I won't drive in the snow anymore.有一次我在暴风雪中把车撞毁了,从此我再也不在雪中开车。After his beating Colin ran away and hasn't been heard of since.科林被他打了一顿后就离家出走了,从此杳无音讯。It was the beginning of a long friendship.从此开始了一段漫长的友谊。




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