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词汇 发言人
例句 Remarkably, numerous spokespersons descanted knowledgably about it.不同寻常的是,众多发言人都对此发表了颇有见地的见解。The spokesman favoured unity with the Arab nation.发言人支持与该阿拉伯国家统一行动。A military spokesman explained why the army went in last month.一位军方发言人解释了军队上个月开进去的原因。The speaker was hooted off the platform by a small group of protesters.那名发言人被少数抗议者的嘘声轰下了台。The strikers constituted him their spokesman.罢工工人选他为他们的发言人A spokesman said that bad weather was partly to blame for the delay.发言人称,延误部分是由糟糕的天气造成的。A spokesman said that more and more vehicles were taking to the highways every year.一位发言人说每年有越来越多的车辆出现在公路上。These policies, said the speaker, have been tried and found wanting.发言人说,这些政策实行后发现收效不大。The spokesman was not available for comment last night.昨晚发言人无暇作出评论。An air force spokesman said the rescue operation was a race against time.一名空军发言人说这次营救行动是在和时间赛跑。A Greenpeace spokesperson described the official report on nuclear waste disposal as a whitewash.绿色和平组织发言人称官方有关核废料处置的报告是隐瞒事实,粉饰太平。Those comments were later disowned by an official army spokesman.这些话随后遭到了军方一位官方发言人的否认。The speaker was very much in tune with our concerns. 发言人很认同我们的关注点。The warmth of the room and the monotony of the speaker's voice grew soporific.房间里的热气和发言人单调的声音让人昏昏欲睡。The Chairman's job was to introduce the speakers and to sum up at the end of the debate.主席的工作是介绍发言人,并在辩论会结束时作总结。A spokesman said the British government's position is perfectly clear.一位发言人表示,英国政府的立场再清楚不过了。The event was canceled at the last minute when the speaker didn't show up.这个活动因发言人没到场在最后一刻取消了。Speakers called for clearer direction and savaged the Chancellor.发言人纷纷要求进一步明确方向并强烈地抨击了该财政大臣。A shamefaced spokesperson admitted that mistakes had been made.一位发言人羞愧地承认是弄错了。The crowd then turned their anger on the speaker.人群于是把怒火都宣泄到发言人身上。The spokesperson read a prepared statement.发言人宣读了预先准备好的声明。The spokesman was visibly pulling back from too much revelation.发言人欲言辄止,明明白白是不肯透露太多的情况。A bank spokesman was unable to clarify the situation.一位银行发言人未能把情况解释清楚。Bruce Wyatt will be the guest speaker at next month's meeting.布鲁斯·怀亚特将成为下月会议的特邀发言人A spokesman said the government was confident of winning the vote and would not discuss the possibility of defeat.一名发言人说政府有信心赢得选票,并且不愿意谈论落选的可能性。The spokesman declined to comment.发言人拒绝发表评论。She seems to have become the unofficial spokesman for the group.她好像已经成了这个组织的非正式发言人A Pentagon spokesman said the talks are coming along quite well.一位五角大楼的发言人称会谈进展相当顺利。And now I'd like to introduce our next speaker, Mrs Thompson.现在我想介绍下一位发言人汤普森夫人。The debate was followed by hours of talking heads analyzing the candidates' performances.辩论之后是电视发言人对候选者的表现长达数小时的点评。The speaker was heckled by a group of protestors.发言人遭到一群抗议者的请难。The speaker emphasised what he was saying by waving his hands.发言人挥舞双手强调他所说的。A spokesman denied the group is a cult and said members could leave whenever they wanted.一位发言人否认了该组织属于异端教派,并说其成员随时都可以按自己的意愿离开。The speaker emphasized what he was saying by waving his hands.发言人挥舞双手强调他所说的。She was a frequent invited speaker at professional meetings.她是专业性会议经常邀请的发言人And so, without further ado, let me introduce tonight's speaker.好了,我就闲话少叙,向大家介绍今晚的发言人A military spokesman would not reveal the exact location of the search area.一位军方发言人不愿公开搜索地区的确切位置。A spokesman for the dockyard said they hoped to launch the first submarine within two years.船厂发言人说他们希望在两年内让第一艘潜艇下水。It had been decided at the outset that Theresa would be our spokesperson.一开始就已经决定由特雷莎来做我们的发言人The spokesman addressed an international press corps.这位发言人对国际记者团发表了谈话。




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