例句 |
Our teacher drilled the lesson into our heads.老师通过反复练习使我们牢牢掌握课文。She rehearsed her speech until she was word-perfect.她反复练习,直到把讲稿背得滚瓜烂熟。He rehearsed his dance moves in front of the mirror.他对着镜子反复练习舞步。She was drilling the class in the forms of the past tense.她在指导全班学生反复练习过去式的各种形式。The teacher runs them through a drill — the days of the week, the weather and some counting.老师带他们做了反复练习:一周中每一天的叫法、天气和数数。He had his speech well rehearsed.他反复练习演讲稿。She practiced her part until she knew it backwards and forwards.她反复练习自己演的角色,直到非常熟练。I acted instinctively because I had been trained and drilled to do just that.我的行动是本能,因为我经过培训并反复练习过。 |