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词汇 毫无结果
例句 The attack was launched after inconclusive negotiations.在谈判毫无结果之后发动了进攻。Talks so far have been fruitless.到目前为止,会谈毫无结果Police have spent hours searching in vain for the missing teenager.警方花了几个小时寻找这个失踪少年却毫无结果A vain effort to quell the public's fears only made matters worse.旨在消除公众恐惧的努力毫无结果,反而把事情变得更糟了。After weeks of fruitless argument they finally agreed to go their separate ways.经过几周毫无结果的争论之后,他们最后决定各走各的路。Attempts to reach a mutually agreed solution had been fruitless.试图达成一个双方都赞成的解决方案的努力毫无结果The committee discussed various improvements, but it all ended in smoke.委员会讨论了种种改进措施,但是最后毫无结果It was a fruitless search.搜寻工作毫无结果The investigation continued without result.调查仍在继续,但毫无结果So far, their search has been fruitless.到目前为止,他们的搜寻工作毫无结果So far police investigations seem to have led nowhere.到现在为止,警方的调查好像毫无结果The meeting degenerated into a sterile debate.会议演变成为一场毫无结果的辩论。His efforts to reform the party came to nought.他改造党的努力毫无结果Nothing good came of our efforts.我们的努力毫无结果His efforts have gone for naught.他的努力毫无结果The proposal went nowhere in the Senate.该提议在参议院毫无结果They believe the whole demonstration will be a damp squib.他们认为整个示威活动将毫无结果Our investigation got nowhere.我们的调查毫无结果I hope that all your efforts won't go for naught.我希望你的努力不会毫无结果We searched the whole area but all to no avail. Robbie had disappeared.我们搜遍了整个地方但毫无结果,罗比失踪了。




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