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词汇 反倒
例句 He could be kept alive artificially, but I think it would be kinder to let nature take its course.可以人工维持他的生命,但我想顺其自然反倒更好。Their attitude, rather than reining him back, only seemed to spur Philip on.他们的态度非但没有令菲利普回头,反倒促使他继续向前。He had put himself in the right by his generous apology.他非常大度地道了歉,从而反倒得了理。Instead of satisfaction she felt only guilt.她没有感到满足,反倒觉得很内疚。These young women are not threatened by laddishness. They think it is funny.这些年轻姑娘没被小伙子们的粗野吓着,反倒觉得好玩。Hitler had a high nuisance value to France and England.希特勒到处捣乱,反倒引起了法国和英国的同仇敌忾。It is harmful to push yourself to the maximum.把自己逼得太狠反倒不好。Their attitude only seemed to spur Philip on.他们的态度似乎反倒只是促使菲利普继续下去。Having a car in the city might prove a hindrance.在城里有汽车反倒可能成为累赘。It seems I've only succeeded in upsetting you.看起来我反倒让你伤心了。She's still ticked off at him for brushing her off and going out with you instead.他对她不理不睬,反倒和你一块儿出去,为此她还在生他的气呢。Perversely, she was irritated by his kindness.他的好意反倒激怒了她。If you don't listen and instead shoot the messenger, you're not going to learn about the problems you need to deal with.假如你不愿聆听反倒迁怒于别人,就不会了解到你要处理的问题的情况。You would be more of a hindrance than a help.你帮不上忙,反倒会碍事。Well-meant advice can be more annoying than helpful.出于好心的劝告可能不仅没有任何帮助,反倒使人更厌烦。I tried to be pleasant to her but she gave me the cold shoulder.我努力想讨好她,可她反倒故意冷落我。It crossed my mind that I was the only female coach on the committee, but that made me more determined than ever.我忽然想到我是委员会里唯一的女教练,但那样反倒更坚定了我的决心。I'm afraid you're more of a hindrance to me than a help at this point.恐怕你这会儿不但帮不上忙,反倒成了累赘。I felt like crying and laughed instead.我想哭,反倒笑了。It would be surprising were the Mafia not to have muscled in.如果黑手党不插上一脚,那反倒令人奇怪了。Seeing others enjoying themselves only served to heighten his sense of loneliness.看到别人开心快乐的样子反倒让他更觉孤独。He had too much time on his hands and that caused him to get into trouble.他手头时间太富裕了,反倒为他惹来了麻烦。




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