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词汇 crashed
例句 Parts of the satellite crashed into the sea.卫星的有些部分坠入了大海。The last time you had a real fright, you nearly crashed the car.上一次你吓得够呛,差点儿把车撞烂了。A cyclist crashed when he touched wheels with another rider.一个自行车手因与另一位骑车人撞车而摔倒在地。The Volkswagen veered off the road and crashed into a fence.那辆大众轿车突然驶出路面,撞在了栅栏上。The plane crashed and there were no survivors.飞机坠毁了,没有幸存者。The ill-fated aircraft later crashed into the hillside.这架倒霉的飞机后来坠毁在山腰上。The aircraft appears to have crashed near Katmandu.飞机似乎在加德满都附近坠毁了。Waves crashed on the rocks and spray flew up into the air.海浪拍打着岩石,水花飞溅到空中。A vehicle barreled out of a shopping center and crashed into the side of my car.一辆汽车从购物中心飞也似的冲出来,一头撞到了我车子的一侧。Another wave crashed onto the deck and the mast made an ominous creaking sound.又一个浪头哗啦啦地打上了甲板,船桅发出了不祥的吱嘎声。The airplane spiraled to the ground and crashed.飞机转着圈坠毁到地面上。Gigantic waves more than 40 feet high crashed against the boat.四十多英尺高的巨浪撞击着这艘小船。He crashed midway through the race.他在比赛中途撞车了。The waves frothed as they crashed onto the beach.浪花冲上沙滩,泛起阵阵泡沫。The stuntman crashed through the window on a motorcycle.特技演员驾着摩托车砰的一声撞穿了玻璃。The PC just crashed.那部个人电脑刚当机了。It has been two weeks since the ariplane crashed. Can you still hear the pinging sound of the black box?飞机出事已经两星期了。你还能听到黑盒子发出的乒声吗? The plane crashed into the sea in adverse weather conditions.由于天气恶劣,飞机坠入了大海。They had the good fortune to escape injury when their car crashed.他们很幸运,车祸时没有受伤。Schumacher crashed out in practice for the Australian grand prix.舒马赫在备战澳大利亚汽车大奖赛时发生了车祸,不能继续参赛。He deliberately crashed the plane.他故意让飞机坠毁。He crashed into a tree in driving rain.他在暴雨之中开车,撞到了树上。The band are crashed out on the floor.乐队成员瘫睡在地。The pilot bailed out just before the plane crashed.飞行员在坠机前跳了伞The band are crashed out on the floor.乐队成员们瘫睡在地板上。Suddenly, cymbals crashed and the orchestra began playing.突然,铙钹声砰然响起,乐队开始了演奏。The bus crashed into an embankment before bursting into flames.公共汽车撞到路堤上,之后就燃烧了起来。Many investors lost their shirts when the market crashed.市场暴跌,很多投资者都赔了巨额资金。The plane crashed and the mails were lost.飞机坠毁,邮件均已失落。His car crashed into a clump of trees and overturned.他的汽车撞上树丛,翻倒在地。Tyler injured his shoulder when he crashed into Jesse Lyons during practice.泰勒训练的时候撞到杰西·莱昂斯,肩部受了伤。There was a loud thump as the horse crashed into the van.马撞在货车上发出砰的一声巨响。She drove off at great speed, hit several parked cars, and finally crashed into a lamp-post.她驾车飞速离去,连撞了几辆停着的汽车,最后撞到了一根路灯柱上。The aircraft crashed after takeoff, killing all four people on board.飞机起飞后坠毁,机上四人全部遇难。The bar-room door crashed open and the voices at the tables fell silent.酒吧间的门砰地给砸开了,坐在桌边的人都突然静了下来。The car crashed into the fence/wall/guardrail.汽车撞上了栅栏/墙壁/护栏。Without warning, the tree crashed through the roof.在毫无前兆的情况下,那棵树轰隆一下子压塌了屋顶。Investors lost millions when the bank crashed.投资者因银行倒闭蒙受了数以百万计的损失。The plane was so overweighted that it nearly crashed on takeoff.飞机极度超载,起飞时差一点坠毁。He crashed through the bush and blanched a deer.他冲过灌木丛拦住了一头鹿。




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