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词汇 crashing
例句 The system keeps crashing and no one is able to figure out why.系统老是崩溃,谁也不知道是为什么。I stumbled backward, crashing onto the floor.我往后一绊,蓦地跌倒在地板上。My computer keeps crashing.我的电脑总是死机。The heat of the fire brought ceilings crashing down onto the floor.大火的高温使屋顶轰然塌落到地上。He scorched out of the gate, almost crashing his new sports car.他开着那辆新跑车从大门里飞驰而出,差点把车都给撞坏了。The car skidded, then went crashing into the bus shelter.汽车打滑,一头撞进了公共汽车的候车亭。I heard them coming, crashing through the undergrowth, before I saw them.我还没看到他们,就听到他们哗啦啦地冲过矮树丛过来了。He stopped suddenly, and I went crashing into him.他突然停下来,我撞到了他身上。I could hear crashing in the next room.我能听到隔壁房间传来砰砰的巨响。Steve came crashing into me and sent me flying.史蒂夫朝我撞过来,把我撞得飞了出去。His world came crashing down when he lost his job.工作丢了,他的世界也就塌下来了。We watched the waves crashing against the rocks.我们看着海浪哗啦哗啦地冲击岩石。We heard thunder crashing overhead.我们听到头顶上霹雷发出哗啦啦的巨响。The drag of those extra air molecules brought the satellite crashing to Earth.额外的空气分子阻力使得卫星坠毁到了地球上。He cussed me out for crashing his pickup truck.他对我破口大骂,因为我撞毁了他的小货车。The piece ends with a crashing discord.乐曲以一个刺耳的不协和和弦结束。Edna Leitch survived a gas blast which brought her home crashing down on top of her.埃德娜·利奇在一次煤气爆炸中幸免于难,那次爆炸把她家的房子炸塌了,她本人则被压在下面。He was knocked flying as two policemen came crashing through the door.两名警察破门而入时他被撞飞了。When news of the scandal broke, her career came to a crashing halt.丑闻传出后,她的事业骤然止步。We listened to the waves crashing against the shore.我们听着波浪哗啦啦地拍打着岸边。We could hear the breakers crashing on the shore.我们可以听到浪花拍岸的声音。The waves came crashing over my head and I could feel myself being sucked under by the currents.海浪袭来,打在我的头顶上,我能感觉到自己被水流吞噬了。Even his death, after crashing his motorcycle on a bridge in New Orleans, was spectacular.甚至他骑摩托车在新奥尔良撞桥身亡的事也轰动一时。My dad gave me a real bollocking for crashing his car.我爸因为我撞坏了他的车把我臭骂了一顿。Her husband is a crashing bore.她的丈夫是个讨厌鬼。The whole theory came crashing down when it was revealed that some of the supporting evidence had been falsified.随着一些支撑性证据被曝造假,整个理论也就崩溃了。We were sprayed by water from the crashing waves.浪花溅了我们一身水。I love his books, but in person he's a crashing bore.他的书我喜欢,可是他的为人特别令人讨厌。The book is a crashing bore. 这本书无聊透顶。The storm brought the old oak tree crashing down.暴风雨把这棵老橡树刮倒了。Huge plate-glass windows came crashing down.巨大的平板玻璃窗哗啦一声掉了下来。Construction of the tunnel was brought to a crashing halt when the funds ran out.资金用完后,隧道建设也就骤然停顿下来。He was crashing the gears because he was so nervous.由于太紧张,他挂挡时车发出了咣当声。Glasses and bottles went crashing to the floor.杯子和瓶子哗啦一下落到了地板上。I could hear his voice through the crashing of the bombs.尽管炸弹四下爆炸,我仍能听到他的声音。His dreams came crashing down.他的梦想轰然破灭了。The project came to a screeching/crashing halt. 项目突然完全停止。The drag of those extra air molecules brought the satellite crashing to Earth.那些额外的空气分子产生的阻力使卫星撞向地球。Standing at the edge of the bluff she could see the waves crashing below.她站在悬崖之边,可以看见底下的波浪在猛烈撞击。What exactly is the risk of an ordinary aircraft crashing?一架普通的飞机失事的危险性到底有多大?




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