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词汇 cage
例句 A lion paced up and down the cage, growling.一头狮子咆哮着在笼子里走来走去。Using a bunch of bananas, the zoo-keeper persuaded the monkey back into its cage.动物园管理员用一串香蕉诱使猴子回到了笼子里。The cage should be lined with straw.笼子里应该铺上稻草。The lion had somehow gotten/broken loose from its cage.那头狮子不知怎的从笼子里逃了出来。The lion was released from its cage.那只狮子从笼子里被放了出来。Her fingers formed a cage over her mouth.她用手指捂住了自己的嘴。He gently rattled the cage and whispered to the canary.他轻轻晃动着鸟笼,和金丝雀轻声低语着。The dog is cooped up in a cage.这条狗被关在笼子里。Don't worry about what he said. He was just trying to rattle your cage.他说什么你别往心里去。他就是想惹恼你。Use torn-up newspaper to line the bottom of the rabbit's cage.用碎报纸垫在兔笼底下。Some are busy sanding the rib cage of a hull that has yet to be planked.一些人忙着打磨尚未铺板的船体筋框架。The tiger lashed its tail about whenever anyone came near its cage.每当有人走近笼子时老虎便急速甩动尾巴。I opened the cage door, and set the birds free.我打开笼门放出鸟儿。Our budgie got out of its cage while our cat was in the room. Needless to say, the cat moved quicker than me and caught it.我们的虎皮鹦鹉飞出鸟笼的时候,猫正好在室内。不用说,猫比我快,抓住了它。She carefully nestled the hamster into its cage.她小心地把仓鼠抱进笼内。The animal was confined in a very small cage.那只动物被关在很小的笼子里。Don't you think it's cruel to cage a creature up?你不认为把动物关进笼里太残忍了吗?The snake wriggled out of the cage.那条蛇扭动着身体钻出了笼子。It seems unnatural to keep the bird in a cage.看来把鸟关在笼子里是违反自然规律的。The gorilla rattled the bars of its cage.大猩猩把笼子的铁栅栏弄得吱嘎吱嘎响。The snake had coiled itself in a corner of the cage.这条蛇盘在笼子里的一角。The cage smelled of excrement.笼子里粪臭熏人。She loosed the bird from the cage.她把小鸟放出笼子。At the front of the cage was a dish with a few scraps of food in it.笼子前面有一个碟子,里面盛了一些食物碎屑。The canary was trilling away in its cage.金丝雀在笼中不停地啭鸣。If you want to go into that lion's cage, it's your own lookout.如果你愿意到狮笼里去,那是你自己的事。The cage was drawn up from the mine.罐笼从矿中提升上来。Food is placed in a large cage, and when the animal enters, the door drops down.食物放在一个大笼子里,动物进来时,门就落下关上了。The bird was beating its wings against the sides of the cage.鸟扑扇翅膀拍击笼框。The bullet entered his rib cage from the left side.子弹从左侧穿入他的胸腔。If he's trying to rattle your cage, it's working.如果他存心要让你不得安宁的话,那他是得逞了。He has lost weight and I can see his rib cage.他瘦了,我都能看出他的根根肋骨来。It took seven people to maneuver the tiger out of its cage.动用了七个人才把老虎弄出了笼子。The monkeys bunched together in their cage.猴子在笼中挤成一团。The birds sit on the cage floor to hatch their eggs.那些鸟趴在笼子里孵蛋。The canary was trilling away its song in the cage.金丝雀在笼中不停地啭鸣。The old man made a cage for birds.老人做了一只鸟笼。Line the bottom of the cage with newspaper.给笼子底部垫上报纸。Bored out of its mind, the monkey stares out of the cage with unseeing eyes.那些百无聊赖的猴子从笼子里向外心不在焉地看着。When I took the hamster out of his cage, he nipped me.我把仓鼠从笼子里拿出来时,它轻轻地咬了我一下。




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