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词汇 原料
例句 Collecting the raw materials proved a long and laborious task.采集原料证明是一项耗时费力的任务。She made the sauce with cheese and other ingredients.她用奶酪和其他原料做了那道酱。Mix the ingredients in equal amounts.把不同的原料等量混合。Mix all the ingredients well.把所有的原料搅拌均匀。In an internal memorandum leaked last year, the company was revealed to be cutting back on more expensive ingredients.据去年泄露的一份内部备忘录显示,公司正在缩减较贵原料的用量。The company buys raw material such as wool for conversion into cloth.该公司购入羊毛等原料来织衣料。Use a piece of fresh ginger to impart a Far-Eastern flavour to simple ingredients.用一片鲜姜让简单的原料带有远东的风味。The shortage of materials crimped production.原料不足阻碍了生产。Add all the remaining ingredients and bring to the boil.加入所有剩余的原料,加热至沸腾。Clay is the stuff of which pottery is made.黏土是制造陶器的原料Rubber is a widely used material.橡胶是一种用途广泛的原料Joseph made sure that he was never palmed off with inferior stuff.约瑟夫确保自己从不会被骗买一些次等原料Combine the following ingredients: brown sugar, flour, and butter.将下列原料混合:红糖、面粉和黄油。This price is subject to escalation reflecting changes in material and other costs.本价格将随原料及其他费用的变化而作上下调整。English wine is made from grapes and vinified in traditional fashion.英国酒是用葡萄为原料以传统酿造法制成的。Production has come to a halt owing to the lack of raw materials.由于缺少原料,生产已陷入停顿。It became clear that the contractor had lowballed us on the cost of materials.很明显,承包商故意向我们压低了原料成本的价格。In my fluster, I could not remember which of my ingredients contained flour.慌乱中我记不起来哪种原料里含有面粉了。Mince the meat and mix in the remaining ingredients.将肉绞碎,拌入余下的原料The cost of raw materials keeps up.原料价格坚挺。 We need salad stuff.我们需要色拉原料Add the remaining ingredients to the sauce.把剩余原料加入调味汁。Whirl the ingredients in a blender at high speed for a minute.原料放在搅拌机里高速旋转一分钟。Her popular pot holder is also available in do-it-yourself kits.她那广受欢迎的防烫布垫也可以自己购买原料套装自己制作。Under the soil there repose vastly greater quantities of raw materials.地下蕴藏着大量更多的原料Mix the wet and dry ingredients until they form a paste.把干湿原料混合在一起,直到变成糊状。What are the ingredients of the cake?这蛋糕是用哪些原料做成的? We will now consider the raw materials from which the body derives energy.现在我们来细想一下为身体提供能量的原料Combine all ingredients in a heavy-bottomed pan.将所有原料放进厚底煎锅里混合起来。The golden rule of cooking is to use fresh ingredients.烹饪的重要原则是原料要新鲜。Remove mixture from heat and whisk in the brandy and vanilla essence.把混和好的原料从火上拿开,搅入白兰地和香草精。We had all the necessary ingredients.我们已经备好所有必需的原料Mix in the remaining ingredients.混入其余的原料Mix the ingredients in a deep bowl.在深碗里搅拌这些原料A shortage of materials obstructed the work of the factory.原料不足影响工厂生产。The dish is made with ingredients available in most supermarkets.这道菜是用在大多数超市内都能买到的原料做出来的。Baker loathed going to this red-haired young pup for supplies.面包师傅不喜欢去这个红头发的自负的傻小子那里拿原料Many of the ingredients for antiseptics come from the rainforests.很多杀菌剂的原料产自热带雨林。Weigh all the ingredients before you start.开始前把所有的原料称一下。The cost of raw materials has escalated sharply.原料的成本急剧上涨。




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