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词汇 原子弹
例句 Hiroshima was nearly obliterated by the atomic bomb.广岛几乎被原子弹夷为平地。Only the President could authorize the use of the atomic bomb.只有总统才能授权使用原子弹The explosion of the Russian atomic bomb broke the American monopoly on nuclear weapons.俄国原子弹的爆炸打破了美国对核武器的垄断。The mushroom cloud of the A-bomb hung over the desert again.原子弹爆炸的蘑菇云再度笼罩在沙漠的上空。We could all be wiped out by an A-bomb, an earthquake, or something of that nature.人类可能会被一颗原子弹、一场地震或其他类似的灾难灭绝。Scientists transmuted matter into pure energy and exploded the first atomic bomb.科学家将物质转化为纯粹的能量,引爆了第一颗原子弹The atomic bomb is the offspring of twentieth century physics.原子弹是二十世纪物理学的产物。The cloud of radioactive ash mushroomed from the atomic bomb.原子弹爆炸时放射性尘埃形成的云呈蘑菇状升腾The effects of exposure to atomic radiation at Hiroshima have been passed on to succeeding generations.原子弹辐射的影响祸及了以后好几代广岛居民。Far sooner than anyone thought possible, the Russians exploded an atomic bomb.俄罗斯人爆炸了一颗原子弹,时间上比任何人预料的都大大提前了。The decision to use the bomb remains the most controversial question of the Second World War.使用原子弹的决定一直是第二次世界大战中最具争议性的问题。The dropping of the first atom bomb marked a new epoch in warfare.第一颗原子弹的投掷标志着战争进入了新纪元。The US was the first country to have the bomb.美国是第一个拥有原子弹的国家。An atomic bomb can annihilate a city.一枚原子弹能毁灭一个城市。They joined the anti- nuclear campaign after seeing a film about the horrors of Hiroshima.他们看过一部讲述原子弹轰炸广岛后的惨状的影片后,就参加了反核运动。A good many scientists were opposed to the use of the bomb.许多科学家反对使用原子弹




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