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词汇 卷轴
例句 The machine winds the tape from one reel to the other.机器把磁带从一个卷轴绕到另一个卷轴上。Ancient scrolls were found in caves by the Dead Sea.在死海旁的山洞里发现了古代卷轴I covered the scroll in sealing wax, and affixed a red ribbon.我用封蜡将卷轴封好,并系上一根红丝带。The ancient scrolls were recently deciphered. 古代卷轴最近得以破译。He read from the scroll.他读取卷轴中的内容。Most Chinese pictures are painted on silk scrolls.中国画大都是画在绢卷轴上的。He carefully unrolled the ancient scroll.他小心翼翼地把古卷轴展开。He pointed to a parchment scroll on the desk.他指着桌子上的一个羊皮纸卷轴The spool on my tape recorder isn't taking up very well.我录音机上的卷轴有点失灵了。The ancient Egyptians stored information on scrolls.古埃及人把信息记载在卷轴上。Can you wind this film back on to its spool?你能把这胶卷卷回到卷轴上去吗?




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